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the term of validity of an appointment

It happened when Tolstoy went on a trip.
I was passing a quiet country road, about seven years old.
a cute girl staring at the picture
Dunny pulled her mother's collar. The child
You've been talking to your mom for a while.
At last he burst into tears. I overheard it.
The girl saw the lily he had around his waist.
I wanted to have a bag that was placed.
Tolstoy approached the girl quietly.
"Honey, it must be hard, but wait until tomorrow.
Tomorrow, this bag will be useless to me.
I'm sure you'll get this bag back then.
I'll give you a present. Here you go. Stop crying..."Tolstoy's.
She stopped crying quickly because of her kindness, and she promised.
The anticipation of the event turned red.
In fact, to Tolstoy, the bag is very precious.
It was a relic of a relative.
And the bag contains his books and other travel needs.
It was full of things. The next evening,
Tolstoy went back to the country to keep his promise.
I came back to visit the girl's house on purpose.
But when I got to the girl's house, I just found out that she had a funeral
People who seem to have come back from their work here and there.
I saw it. I asked the girl's mother yesterday.
After she broke up with Tolstoy and came home, she said,
Suddenly he died of a nameless disease."
Tolstoy showed the girl's mother to the cemetery.
I asked him to do it. When he arrived at the cemetery, he said,
Serve the precious bag you brought to your grave, solemnly.
I prayed. "Now that he's dead, I need a bag.
No. Thank you, but take it." Next to me.
The girl's mother, who was watching, looked sorry.
Say it like this."No, she's dead, but she's still alive.
Promise is not dead yet."Tolstoy.
Hot tears flowed from the eyes of his mother.

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