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cold prevention and cure

(1) In the early days, do this.
    1) If you feel the chill,
  When you have a cold, you do nothing from a shivering mild state.
There may be a difference between a state of tremor and a state of tremor.
Most of the chills you feel must be a sign of fever. When I feel chills,
Best of all, think about a lot of things to warm you up to keep your fever down.
  After washing oneself with warm water or eating udon lightly, etc., a blanket or blanket;
It would be good to cover up enough and sleep.
  It's also good to keep certain places warm with dryers or moxibustion, or Oriental medicine.
It is more effective if you use a vital part of your body to warm it up.
  The dryer can warm the wide area at the same time, and it can warm up the area
Other parts can be covered with clothes or towels, so that's the best way to do it.
You'll be able to.
  The moxibustion warms only the narrowest parts compared to the dryer, but the moxibustion at the core.
By leaving, hot heat stimuli are transmitted quickly and effectively, and the effects are also effective.
have the advantage of continuing
  Place mugwort on sliced ginger, heat it up, then remove it.
In case of moxibustion, the medicinal effects of ginger are transmitted with moist heat, and the heating effect is applied.
It lasts more and more.

  * Warm with a hair dryer.
  1) First of all, the main points of jujube and windmills are from the back of the neck to the back of the neck.
Keep the area warm. When jujube is bent down, it has a protruding bone (the 7th cervical vertebra).
It's down there. Rumours are down from jujube, downwards, down three revisions of the fingers, down again.
It's about two fingers out there.
  2) The hot air of the hair dryer is kept at a distance of 7 to 8cm from the body.
Take it off if you feel it. Repeat this 2-3 times.
  3) Next, move the entire sole of the foot. Especially the vital point of Yongcheon.
The spring is made in the recesses of the soles of the feet that occur when the toes are bent.
There is. When it gets warm, remove the dryer, repeat this 2-3 times.

  * How to steam ginger
  1) The main points of moxibustion are jujube, pungmun, and Ryongcheon.
  2) Daechu and Pungmun sit down and bend their heads forward, or lie face down.
give a person a pause Yongcheon can sit down and moxibustion itself. jujube
The thermal stimulation is very effective, so it's more effective 10-15 times.
Can be raised. Two to three dimes of moxibustion will suffice for the pungmun and Yongcheon.

  - First of all, keep warm. with a blow dryer or saliva, from the back of the neck to the back.
carefully throughout

    (How to get rid of chills and keep warm)
  Picture Description:
  * Warm areas
  the neck and back that include the vital point of jujube and the vital point of a rumor.
  jujube: the lower part of the protruding bone (the 7th cervical vertebrae) when the head is lowered forward.
  Rumor: About three fingers down from the jujube, especially two fingers (from the center of the back).
Outside of degree (one on each side)
  * Warm areas (full soles of feet). especially the vital point of Yongcheon.
  Yongcheon: The indentation of the sole of the foot that occurs when the toe is bent.
  * Warm with a hair dryer (dash and windmills)
  Heat the hot air at a distance of 7--8cm, and remove the dryer when it gets hot. This is
Repeat 2-3 times.
  * How to make gingerbread jujube
  Sit down and lower your head forward. Put sliced ginger on top of the vital spot, and then put it on top of it.
Place the pyramit-shaped mugwort on top and light it up. When it gets hot, remove it.
Repeat this 10--15 times.

2) When your throat starts to sting or dry,
  The tingling and stuttering of the throat is not uncommon in the early stages of a cold.
It's a symptom that happens. At this stage, if you treat the symptoms quickly, you'll be able to fight the cold.
  In this case, I often brush my teeth first. I don't care if it's just water, but in the market,
any toothpaste or saline solution (the saline solution stimulates the throat) of the same concentration.
The use of sugar water) can prevent some diseases in the throat to some extent.
  When you have a sore throat or dry throat, it hurts more when you sleep.
You can do this, but before you go to bed, you can sleep comfortably with ginger bumps and acupressure on your neck and chest.
There is.
  However, a person with a high fever, bleeding, or pyrolysis, with a maximum blood pressure of 180 or higher, the lowest blood pressure.
People under 120 or pregnant should refrain from abdominal moxibustion.
  After illness or overwork, hunger, within one hour of eating,
within an hour before and after bathing, immediately after going out or exercising, and even after receiving an injection.

  * How to make gingerbread
  1) Hold a handful of mugwort in your hand.
  2) Rub the palms of both hands to make mugwort thin and long.
  3) Cut off the front end of mugwort, and the base is a pyramit, the size of the thumb.
  4) Slice ginger into 2mm thick slices and place mugwort on top of it.
  5) Ginger may be used several times until it is dried with heat.

  * How to steam ginger
  1) The parts of the moxibustion are the splints, ceilings, and the sternum joints. Budeol is
From the thyroid cartilage in the middle of the neck, about four fingers wide outwards, the celestial stone is the body's.
lie in a recess above the sternum on the centerline The sternum joint is called the sternum.
As a place where the clavicle is connected, ginger moxibustion is placed in the hollow. single center on both sides
Between the nipples; on the centerline of the body.
  2) Take a posture to tilt your face upwards and moxibustion others.
To make float.
  3) Remove mugwort when it gets hot and repeat it 2-3 times each.

  * Chiropractic method
  1) When the moxibustion is cumbersome or annoying, the same effect can be applied to the chiropractic pressure in the short term.
You can get it.
  2) Sit down and put the tip of your forefinger to the point and draw a circle with a weak force.
Press 3-5 times and spin. You press it for about three seconds, and you breathe.
It's effective if you exhale. The single stroke is the vital part of the heart, so it's too powerful.
Don't give it to me. Let's press it comfortably with a relaxed mood.

  - Gupung Haedoktang (take while brushing teeth) which is herbal medicine also has a sore throat or dry throat.
Be effective in dirt.

    (Pressure and acupressure when sore throat or dry closely)
  Picture Description:
  * How to make gingerbread
  1) Hold a fist of mugwort.
  2) Massage it with both hands and make it thin and long.
  3) Cut off the front end and make the bottom part into a pyramit shape as big as the thumb.
  4) Slice ginger into 2mm wide slices and place mugwort on top of it.
  * Methods of acupressure (single): Point your forefinger at the vital point and press it with a weak force.
Spin it.
  * How to find a vital point for moxibustion and acupressure
  after conclusion
  Cheon-dol: Breastbone above the centerline of the body
  thoracic joint: a dent between the sternum and the clavicle.
  Danjung: Above the centerline of the body between the nipples
  * How to find the core of the neck
  Boulder: Four fingers outward from the end result.

3) A method of acupressure that is effective for sore throat or dry throat

  If brushing your teeth, neck, or chest moxibustion doesn't work, you can compress your back or lower body.
Test how to keep warm.

  * Skills for good acupressure.
  1) The vital point is not like saliva blood, but rather a zone with a certain area.
You can think about it.
  2) The gap between the core and the core is usually indicated by the village, but this village has a finger gap.
The width is simple to measure. The first village is the width of one thumb,
The width of the forefinger and forefinger is the width of the 1.5th cousins, the width of the forefinger, the middle finger, the forefinger, the middle finger,
The width of the ring finger, the third cousin, is the width of the other four fingers except the thumb.
  3) The vital parts change depending on the day and the condition of the body. Press down and the pain will go away.
You can think of a place where you are in a good mood, or where you are in a lump as a vital point.

  * Foundation and know-how of acupressure
  1) Thumbs are used the most frequently in acupressure, but concave convexes
Use your forefinger where you can't apply too much force or complexity.
In difficult places, press two fingers together.
  2) If you press the weight on the tip of your hand instead of just pressing it with the tip of your finger,
Be effective.
  3) Press time is about 3 seconds and press force is about 5 kg. 3-5 times in one place.
  4) Pressing while exhaling increases the effect. I'm gonna need someone else to put pressure on you'really?
The time must be in harmony with the person under pressure and the one under pressure.
  5) When you have a high fever, hemorrhagic disease, or hwa-nong, you should put pressure right after drinking or eating.
No. The acupressure after an hour's bath is the most effective.

  Chiropractic methods such as *, etc.
  1) The area for acupressure is the core of wind and waste oil. Rumor has it that the head is forward.
When bent, the three revisions of the fingers from the protruding bone (the 7th cervical vertebra) are also below.
It's about two fingers out of the backbone. Waste oil thumbs up in the windfall
It's about one down.
  2) Those who receive acupressure shall lie down, and those who apply acupressure shall be next to it (most commonly used).
Sit on your knees on the other side of your arm and press it right and left at the same time with your thumb tip.
  Try to get acupressure in your pajamas in a warm room.

  * How to heat up the lower body
  1) The core of the new body (with the height of the waistline, about two fingers outward from the backbone)
It heats up the waist around the center, lower abdomen around the belly button, and feet.
  2) The waist and lower abdomen have a circuit in the circuit band and wear it on top of the bottom.
Dance. Heat it up for about 10 minutes.
  3) The feet wrap the socks on top of the top with a sheet of paper (window paper) and put the socks on top of it.
It gets hot no matter how cold it is.

  -The most important thing to do is to wear a pajama with acupressure so that your body doesn't get cold.

    (How to treat sore throat or dry neck)
  Picture Description:
  * Posture under pressure (wind door)
  Those who receive acupressure shall lie down, and those who apply acupressure shall be next to it (mainly used).
Sit on the opposite side of the hand knee-boiling and press the weight on the tip of the thumb.
  * How to find a vital point
  the seventh cervical vertebra
  Rumor: Count your fingers from the protruding bone (the 7th cervical vertebrae) when you lower your neck forward. 
About two fingers outward from the backbone at a height below the degree.
  Waste oil: One thumb or so below the windpipe.
  * How to touch the thumbs when applying pressure: Each thumb end to the left and right vital points
Put it on and press it at the same time.
  * How to measure vital points with fingers: Measure using magnetic finger width.
  1) 1 word: 1 is the width of one thumb
  2) 1.5 words: 1.5 is the width of the forefinger and middle finger.
  3) 2 words: 2 words are the width of the index finger, stop, and cognitive three fingers.
  4) 3 words: 3 words are index finger, stop, ring finger, pinky finger, four finger width.
  * How to keep your feet warm: On top of socks, your feet are wide with a screen (window)
Wrap it up, and put on the socks one more time.
  * Area to warm with circuit (back): lower abdomen centered around the belly button
  * Area that will warm the circuit, area centered on new oil
  Shin Yu: waistline height, two fingers outwards from the backbone

4) If the sneeze does not stop,
  One of the most common early symptoms of colds, along with chills and sore throats, is the cold.
It's a sneeze.
  In some cases, the dryness of the nose or the fever before sneezing.
Sometimes it feels the same. Also, usually before or after a sneeze.
There are also symptoms of runny nose and stuffy nose.
  The blood in the nose (nose) is wrapped in mucous membranes, where mucus is constantly present.
It is secreted and maintained in a state of adequate moisture. a sneeze tooth
The stimulation of the end of the tertiary nerve in the non-clothing membrane passes through the central (brain) to the diaphragm, etc.
It is transmitted to the respiratory muscles that are present, and the respiratory muscles contract with seizures and relaxes.
It happens because of
  Non-spotted membranes are degraded when stung by cold or dry air. And this stimulus.
It's also the trigger for sneezing, so first of all, warm your nose with moist heat.
I have to do it.
  Also, the core of water polo and influence near the nose is the movement of the tertiary nerve.
There is an adjustment.
  The tertiary nerve, which is normal to pressure these two vital points and reacts to stimuli.
Return to the state.

  * How to make your nose hot
  1) Heat up the entire nose.
  2) Heat the towel in a moist bowl or soak it in hot water around 45 degrees Celsius.
Soak it and lightly squeeze it over your nose. Keep your hands warm so you don't get burned.
Check and put it on your nose, and take care that the towel does not touch your eyes.
  3) If it gets cold, change it to another towel and heat it up three times.
If you heat the towels two or three at the same time, you'll soon be able to replace the cold towel.
  4) If the nose is wet, it will cause sneezing, so it keeps the nose warm.
When you're done with work, make sure to wipe off the water with a dry towel.
  Some dogs, however, sneeze when their noses are hot.
Such a person shall stop soon and use the following chiropractic.

  * Chiropractic method
  1) The water polo is located between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip.
Center. Push the forefinger in a circle with the forefinger at the front of the vital point.
Spin it.
  2) The effect is directly outside the nose droplet. at the front of the index finger.
Put it on, press it towards the nose. Press the left and right vital points at the same time. water polo, influence
Press both vital points slightly hard.

  - Pressure should be applied to both sides of the nose and the bottom of the nose. Cover your nose with a hot wet towel.
It is also effective in keeping warm.

    (Anti-Smoke Act)
  Picture Description:
  * How to find the core of the face
  Water polo: Center of the philtrum between the nose and lips
  Impact: Outside of both ends of the nose
  * Areas to heat up
  The whole nose. Be careful not to get into the eye.
  * How to heat your nose: warm in warm water of about 45 degrees.
With a towel, cover your nose like a wrap. Check the heat with your hands so you don't get burned.
I'll put it on my nose.
  * Methods of acupressure: Place the tip of the forefinger at the vital point and press it with the nose drop.
Do it both at the same time.
  * Chiropractic method: Place your index finger at the tip and turn it as you press it in a circle.

5) When your nose starts to run,
  The mucus that gives the nasal mucus a moderate amount of moisture is also secreted too much, and the nasal juices are then used to treat the nasal mucus.
Flowing out. When you catch a cold, the first thing you get is clear, bland nasal juices.
In other words, it's a runny nose.
  During the runny nose stage, it's hard to tell whether it's caused by a nose allergy or a cold.
It's hard to tell, but in any case, the herbal medicine called socheongryongtang has an effect.
Good. This medicine is called gastrointestinal water, so it makes the sound of water splashing from the stomach.
be particularly qualified for a person
  Also, the thermal stimulation of the jujube core is effective for runny nose, especially the runny nose caused by a cold.
If you apply heat stimulation to the trinity of the hand (a concave point inside the knee), it's even more.
Be effective.

  * Ginger of the neck and arms
  1) The jujube is under the protruding bone (the 7th cervical vertebra) when the neck is bent forward.
Sit down and lower your neck forward, or lie down and let others moxify.
Remove when hot, and repeat this 10-15 times.
  2) Trim of the arm (a concave point inside the elbow) is made when the elbow is bent.
It is located at the wrist, about three fingers from the thumb end of the crease.
This vital point is self-possessed. Sit down and relax your arms so that the vital points are above you.
Give. When mugwort gets hot, it's like jujube, but here,
Repeat 2-3 times.

  * How to warm your nose
  1) Heat up the entire nose.
  2) Heat the towel in a moist bowl or soak it in hot water around 45 degrees.
Squeeze lightly, cover it up like a blanket, and heat it by hand to prevent burns.
Check the degree and be careful not to touch the eye.
  3) If the towel gets cold, change it to another towel immediately and heat it 2-3 times.
Do it. After that, wipe the water well with a dry towel.

  * How to keep your feet warm
  1) Heat the foot end to the ankle bone.
  2) Put 42-43 degrees of hot water in the bucket and put your feet in it.
Keep warm.
  3) Warm water will soon cool down in the middle of winter, so prepare hot water.
Change the water to warm it up.
  4) After keeping warm for about 5 minutes, pour water to prevent it from cooling down.
  5) Wipe dry with a dry towel, especially cream to prevent it from cooling down.
Put on socks while applying oil.

  - When the neck is bent forward, the vital point immediately below the protruding bone is gingerbread.
Make it hot.

    (How to Treat Your Nose)
  Picture Description:
  * How to find the core of the arm
  Trim of the arm: From the thumb side of the wrinkle that arises when the elbow is bent.
Move three fingers toward the wrist.
  * Ginger-sticking method (three-leg arm)
  Place the vital point above, stabilize the arm, place the gingerbread, and fire.
Put it on, remove it if it feels hot. Repeat 2-3 times.
  * Areas to warm (nose): The entire nose. Be careful not to get into the eye.
  * Parts to keep warm (legs): From the top of the peach bone to the tip of the foot.
  * How to Warm Your Feet: Put 42-43 degrees of hot water in a bucket, and that
Warm for about 5 minutes inside.
  * How to find the core of the neck
  jujube:a bone that protrudes when the neck is bent forward. the lower part of the seventh cervical vertebra.

(2) Treat various symptoms of a cold like this
    1) I have a fever.
  Fever actually occurs for a number of reasons. So just because you have a fever,
It is imprudent to decide that it is an immediate cold. Children usually have a cold at 39 degrees.
There are few cases of abnormal fever, and few cases of fever lasting more than four days.
No. The column itself may repeat itself, so you can stabilize it for 2-3 days.
Make sure to check.
  If you have a cold in your family, it's definitely a cold and fever.
So when you don't have energy or appetite, use fever control to sleep and eat comfortably.
To induce.
  The commonly marketed fever reducer is the pyrine system (drugged fever control),
It can be divided into four main types: aspirin, asamine, and later progeny.
Some people have an allergic reaction, and aspirin has an allergic reaction.
Some people cause gastrointestinal obstruction. The asataminergic system does not cause gastrointestinal obstruction.
It doesn't happen, but it seems to be a little weak. After that, he has less gastrointestinal obstruction.
Since it has a high pain-inducing effect, it is suitable for a fever that accompanies headaches or joint pain.
  Ice pillows are not as effective as medicine, but they can sleep pleasantly.
It is especially ideal for summer heat.

  * How to make ice pillows
  1) Add ice and water to 2/3 of the ice pillow.
  2) If there is too much air, make sure that the ice water does not touch the head.
Therefore, fold the opening of the ice pillow to drain the air out of the air.
  3) Tie the entrance tightly and wrap it around with a towel, which usually touches the head.
Be careful not to let the ice pillow touch your shoulder.
  4) Ice bags cold in the refrigerator or freezer may be wrapped in towels.
It'll be good.

  * How to lower a fever when you have a high fever
  1) The trick is to cool the thick arteries.
  2) Side of neck and armpits where thick arteries are close to the surface of the body
It's just the coldness of the carotid artery on the side of the neck, the lower ankle.
It can cause you to get off fairly quickly.
  3) Put ice water in a double plastic bag and wrap it around the neck with a towel.
Place the sides where they reach the pulse.

  * When you don't sweat and your fever doesn't go down well
  1) Stimulating between fingers makes sweating easier. for a child
To be especially effective.
  2) Poke lightly between fingers with the head of a toothpick. in one place
10 to 20 times, both between the left and right fingers (finger of both hands).

  - When you have a high fever, fill the neck side with a plastic bag with ice water.
I do.

    (How to use the right ice pillow)
  Picture Description:
  * How to put an ice pillow: Keep your shoulders clear.
  * How to make ice pillows
  1) Put ice and water into the ice pillow 1/3 to 1/2 times.
  2) Drain the air.
  3) Wrap it with a towel.
  It can also be substituted for ice cream.
  * When I have a high fever
  Ice pillow: Put ice and water in a plastic bag and put it against the carotid artery.
The fever goes down quickly.
  * How to stimulate when you don't sweat: between fingers and between fingers
  * Stimulate with a toothpick: 10-20 times over one place with a toothpick's head.

2) I have a cough and phlegm is boiling.
  Coughs can produce foreign substances in the airways or secretions from mucous membranes in the airways.
The reaction is to remove it from the outside. When you catch a cold, you start with a dry cough.
It's coming out, and it's turning into a damp cough, which is in the airway.
This is because the secretion (dam) increases.
  For example, you don't have to worry if the cold continues for 3-4 days. Brushing your teeth frequently
Then, it's a Troocchi made with a mixture of sugar and medicine.
Using pills) makes medicine.
  Massage and acupressure also work, especially waste oil from the central core of the chest and back.
The stimulation of mating the vital parts has been known to be effective for Jinhae Geodam from old times.
  However, a cough that comes from deep in the heart, and a chest that resonates with pain.
Coughs or coughs that cause redness in the face and continue to cough are other than colds.
You can think of it as a disease. Such a cough or cough or cough for more than five days.
When continuing, consult a doctor.

  * Methods of chest acupressure
  1) The location of pressure is called the central region. The middle part is the second rib bone.
the height of the centerline and the distance from the centerline to the outside of the clavicle.
It's three quarters out.
  2) Place the tip of the forefinger on the opposite side of the side of the sitting pressure and put it on the vital point and make it weaker.
Press it with force.

  * How to massage the chest
  1) When coughing or phlegm occurs, a clot is formed along the bottom of the collarbone.
Massage the coagulation area because there are many.
  2) Massage stimulates large areas, so the entire abdomen of the fingers is covered.
Use it.
  3) Sit on the chair, lower your back, and then move your forefinger on the other side of the massage.
Right below the collarbone with the belly part, a small circle from the center towards the outside.
Draw and press. Clockwise on the right, counterclockwise on the left.
Draw a circle in each direction.

  * How to apply back pressure
  1) The area to be pressurized is outward from the backbone about two widths of the fingers, and the shoulder blades.
from the height of one thumb above the line connected to the bottom of the scapula.
Up to the height. Especially the waste oil station at the height of the line connecting the shoulder blades.
It's important.
  2) Lie face down and ask others to do it. The man who exerts acupressure is...
kneel down on the side (opposite side of the primarily used hand) at the same time as the vital points on the left and right sides.
Press it.
  3) At the end of the thumb, one finger apart from the top to the bottom.
Press down your weight like you're about to lose weight.

  - Both the vital point near the front of the shoulder and the backbone, from the top to the shoulder.
Press the pressure to the bottom.

    (Cough, how to prevent phlegm)
  Picture Description:
  * Method of acupressure (central)
  Hug the other end of the forefinger of the vital point, and press it with a bit of weak force.
  * Massage under collarbone
  hugging the other side of the forefinger, just below the collarbone.
On the right hand side of the center, a small circle towards the outside, the watch needle,
Draw a circle in the same direction and the opposite direction on the left.
  * Acupressure and massage area (breast)
  Central: Height of the second wolf between the second and third ribs after the clavicle, and the body's.
look in the middle of a line through the middle to the end of the collarbone.
Three-quarters out.
  * Pneumatic area (back)
  Two fingers from the back of the spine, and the cirrhosis (spreading of the scapula) from the outside.
From the height of one thumb above the connected line to the bottom of the shoulder blade.
Move your fingers away from the top to the bottom, so that they don'
  * Massage area: Massage uses the first joint of the finger.
  * End of forefinger: Use tip of finger for acupressure.

3) My throat hurts.
  If you catch a cold, you may have a sore throat from the start, but rather than that,
First, you don't have any symptoms, but then you start to catch a cold, so you get pain.
It seems to be often done.
  a fever of more than five days at the same time as pain or pain that cannot be passed over to the food.
If it continues, the pharynx has pus in the back of the pharynx.
There is also a possibility that it will become a pharyngeal plantation. a disease likely to occur in children, immediately
I need to see an otolaryngologist.
  If it's not too much pain, I often brush my teeth, and I'm going to use a Troach.
It would be good to use. Usually, candy, honey, starch syrup, etc. slowly on the tongue.
Just melting makes your throat feel better to a certain extent.
  The herbal medicine, Gupung Seaweed Soup, also has a sore throat or pain when it's dry.
It's a pretty good medicine. One to two days, regardless of weight or physique.
Anyone can use it. Swallow your throat as if you were rinsing it. Drink in pain
When you're having a hard time, it'll be good to drink with ice.
  Stamping the neck can also help relieve inflammation, but especially scallions.
It works. When your throat hurts and you can't sleep, you can apply cold medicine or menthol.
It would be good to put it on your neck, put a towel around your neck, and then go to bed.
  Also, dryness causes pain in the neck. Use a humidifier, or a kettle.
Don't forget to put it on the stove to prevent the room from getting dry.

  * How to steam scallions
  1) Prepare the white part of the green onion about 15cm and cut it vertically.
  2) Place the slippery inner part of the scallion on top of the gauze.
  3) Place the inside of the scallion around the sore neck, and put a towel on it.
Wrap it around.

  * Method of acupressure of hands
  1) The place to apply acupressure is the main point called Hapgok, where the acupressure is applied to the thumb,
It's between the back of your forefinger's hand.
  2) Support your palm with your forefinger and middle finger, with the tip of your thumb.
Press it.

  * How to massage your feet
  1) The area to massage is the big toe centered on the vital point of bleaching.
The pitch is inside the big toe, next to the toenails.
  2) Sitting in a chair, holding the belly of the other thumb against the blemish, with the thumb and
Put your index finger between your fingers and massage it to loosen it. About four to five minutes, both feet combined.
Squeeze it.

  - Cut the white part of the scallions vertically and place the inner part on the sore throat.
Put on a steaming.

    (How to relieve pain in the throat)
  Picture Description:
  * How to apply the scallions
  1) Cut the white part of the green onion vertically.
  2) Place the inside of the green onion on top of the lobster.
  3) Place the inside of the scallion on the sore part of the throat and wrap the neck with a towel.
  * Massage area (foot)
  the inside of a foot's big toe centered on a blemish.
  Acoustic: the place where claws were formed from the inside of the foot's big toe (in the body).
  * Massage method
  Sitting in the chair, with the big toe on the opposite side of the foot at the bleaching point,
Put it between your thumb and forefinger and massage it.
  * How to find the key point of the hand
  Synthesis: Between thumb and index finger
  * Chiropractic method (combination)
  with the forefinger and middle finger, supporting the palm of the hand, the tip of the thumb.
Press it like you're standing up.

4) Nose juice comes out.
  Nose allergies produce a lot of nasal juices just like a cold. But the nose
Allergy is characterized by clear and bland nasal juices. to it
In comparison, the nasal juice from the cold gradually became the same in the early stages of the cold.
It turns yellow and becomes tenacious. At this point, the nasal congestion is getting worse.
  Socheongnyongtang, a herbal medicine, is effective for the runny nose, but its symptoms are so severe that it's yellowish tenacity.
The brown-nosed heavenly gods heal well in the juice of the nose. This is chronic.
A drug used for sinusitis (a sinusitis) and for a moderate physical strength.
  As for the vital treatment, jujube, the vital part, and the arm, Samri, are just like the runny nose.
It works to make gingerbread in the core, but when this alone doesn't work,
It also adds to the stimulation of the vital point of influence and massaging the feet.
  Children's yellow nasal juices must be examined by a doctor.
If you have symptoms, you should go to ENT and if you have any other symptoms, you should go to Peds.
And for children who can't get their nose juices out well, it's a spoiler.
It is convenient to use (sales).

  * How to steam ginger
  1) The place where ginger moxibustion is made is called jujube and samri of the arm. jujube neck
As you bend forward, under the protruding bone (the 7th cervical vertebra), the trident of the arm, is the arm.
As many as three fingers as possible from the concave point of bending.
It's on the wrist.
  2) Jujube shall sit down and bend its head forward or face down to another person.
Keep it slow. Place mugwort on a 2mm thin slice of ginger and light it.
Remove mugwort when it gets hot. Repeat 10--15 times.
  3) You can strike your own arm. Make sure the vital point is above.
Stabilize the arm, put gingerbread on it, light it up, and when it gets hot, remove it.
Repeat 2--Times.

  * Stimulation method using toothpicks
  1) The main point of stimulation is influence. The effect is just outside the nosebleed.
  2) Poke lightly 10 to 20 times with the head of a toothpick.

  * Foot massage method
  1) The area to massage is the pinky toe, which is centered on the vital point of nasal sound.
The ring is outside the toenails of the little toe.
  2) Sit in a chair and place the bulge of the other thumb against the ring.
Put it between your thumb and forefinger and massage it to loosen it. Four to five minutes on both feet.
I'm going to season it.

  - Socheongryongtang, which is herbal medicine for nasal juice, and Galgeuntanggatanggacheongongsin, when yellow nose juice comes out,

    (How to Treat Your Nose)
  Picture Description:
  * How to find a vital point (face)
  Impact: Just outside the nose droplet
  * How to find the core of the neck
  When the jujube head is bent forward, the protruding bone (the 7th cervical vertebra) is below.
  * How to find the core of the arm
  Samri of Arms: Finger at the side of the thumb of the wrinkle that arises when the arm is bent
a crease about three to the arm
  * Baby toe massage
  Sitting in the chair, the convex part of the thumb opposite the foot, against the ground,
Put it between your thumb and forefinger and massage it.
  * Massage area (foot)
  the outer part of the little toe centered on the vital point of the geum.
  Geometry: Outer part of the toenails of the little toe

5) My nose is stuffy.
  The nose protrudes outwards at least in a hole called nasal cavity.
It forms quite a large and complex space. In the air we've accepted,
Not only does it contain dirt and other foreign substances, but it also goes into the lungs.
When sent, it can cool and dry, so the function of the lungs.
  So to prevent that, mucus from covering the walls of the nasal cavity,
In addition to the secretion, the mucous membrane has fine hairs that are called the sun's mother, so it's dusty.
The foreign substance is being removed. The mucus is constantly secreted, and the air is moist.
It is being given. And under the mucous membrane, there's a lot of capillaries.
It also plays the role of a heater that warms the air.
  But if the nasal mucous membrane becomes inflamed, the blood flow in the capillary below it (blood)
The mucous membrane swells due to bad flow, and the passageway of air narrows.
It happens. It's nasal congestion that happens in this way.
  If you keep breathing through your mouth just because your nose is stuffy, cold air or dry,
The air suddenly flows into the throat, into the throat, organs, bronchial tubes, etc.
Inflammation becomes easy.
  When the room is heated too well, open the window to blow the cold wind.
In some cases, letting them in may cause nasal congestion.
  In the case of a child, if the nasal congestion gets worse, you can't breathe when you're breastfeeding.
In some cases, you have to see a pediatrician quickly.
  Of the drugs for nasal congestion (such as sneezing and runny noses), capsules slowly contain
As it works, it has been circulating a lot recently due to its continuous effects. But
It contains sleep-inducing components, so it is used when driving a car.
It might be better not to.
  Jumbo pills don't worry about falling asleep, but if you keep using them for a long time,
There is also a fear of losing its effect and hurting its nasal mucous membrane. Use of the Jumbo Drugs 2-3 days
Make sure to stop inside.
  In critical care, facial effects and ligaments are effective, but nasal congestion is a problem.
It's a difficult symptom to treat compared to nasal juices and sneezes, so it's not acupressure.
Strong stimulation would be good.

  * Stimulation method using toothpicks
  1) The effect is directly outside the nose droplet, and the person's head is in the middle of the left and right eyebrows.
  2) Poke lightly 10 to 15 times with the head of a toothpick.

  - Toothpick's vital point right in the middle of the eyebrows on both sides and left and right sides of the nose droplets.
Stab 10-20 times with your head.

    (How to get rid of nasal congestion)
  Picture Description:
  * How to find the core of the face
  Per capita: center of left and right eyebrows
  Impact: Just outside of the nose
  * Stimulation method using toothpicks
  Impact: Poke 10-20 times with the head of a toothpick.
  Perilla: Stab 10-20 times with toothpick head, as with effect.

6) I have a headache. My head is heavy.
  If you catch a cold, you will have various symptoms besides symptoms of your neck or nose. that
One of the most frequent things is headaches.
  The headache pill (heat-heating painkillers) currently on the market is an aspirin system of ibuprofructose.
It can be divided into acetic amine and pyrin. Aspirin has been common since ancient times.
It is a drug that is used, but sometimes it is accompanied by a gastrointestinal injury. weak in the stomach
A man is either a combination of antacid, a combination of gastrointestinal harm, or a combination of antacid drugs.
The ibuprofrost system and the acetamin system would be better.
  And for severe headaches, the pyrin system works well, but it's hypersensitive to the drugs of the pyrin system.
Some people react, so avoid people who don't use it.
Sounds good.
  For a cold with a headache or a stiff shoulder as a herbal medicine, it's galgeun-tang.
It's effective. If you don't want to rely on drugs, it's important to test them.
See you

  * Throat and shoulder acupressure
  1) The parts to be chiropractic are the cloth behind the neck, the pungji, and the gyeonjeong on the shoulder.
It is a vital part of sulfur.
  2) Cheonju is the height of the indentation on the neck and is located outside the cervical vertebra.
Sit down, put your thumb end to the vital point, put your head on the tip of your finger.
Tilt back with feeling and press it down. It is common to press while exhaling.
It's chiropractic, but when you tilt your head back, you breathe in and press it.
The side is effective.
  3) Poongji is located between the bones protruding behind the ears, called spindles, and the celestial globe.
Press in the same way as in heaven.
  4) The braces are in the middle of the shoulder and neck, and someone else is asking you to press them.
The man who puts pressure on his thumb stands behind the man under pressure.
Press both sides at the same time.
  5) The sulphur is almost centered on the edge of the backbone of the scapula. a positive mind
Likewise, ask others to press it.

  * Chiropractic pressure in the head
  1) The places where you apply acupressure are temples and baekhoe.
  2) The temple is located in the hair on the ear. Sit down and tip of thumb
Put your head back against the temple, and press it as you breathe in. Left and right
Do it at the same time.
  3) Backhoe is at the top of the head from the center of the line connected to the top of the left and right ears.
There is. Overlap the ends of the left and right index fingers and press hard against the vital point.

  * acupressure of hand
  1) The place to put pressure is the main point called Hapgok.
  2) The alloy is between the thumb and forefinger. the forefinger family
Hold your palm with your middle finger and press it as if you are raising your thumb tip.

  - The acupressure pressure of Catholicism, Pungji, and temple play, breathing in and turning the head backward.
To be effective when pushed back and pressed.

    (How to relieve headaches)
  Picture Description:
  * Chi-Pressure Method (Cheonju, Pungji): Sit down, put your thumb tip to the vital point, and your head.
Lean back as if at the end of a finger. Breathe in and press it.
  * Methods of acupressure (assumption): The person who applies acupressure, stands behind the receiver,
Press both sides of the thumb at the same time.
  * How to find a vital point (neck and shoulder)
  Catholicism: the outer part of a case, equal to the hollow of the neck.
  Pungji: The middle between the bone and the celestial sphere behind the meteorite.
  Assumption: End of shoulder and middle of shoulder porridge
  Blast: Edge of the backbone of the scapula and almost middle.
  * How to find a vital point (head, hand)
  Backhoe: The middle of a line that connects the top of the left and right ears, and the topmost of the head.
  Synthesis: Between the thumb and the second finger
  * Pneumatic area (head)
  temple play: above the ear and a dent in the hair.
  * Chiropractic method (hundred times)
  Overlap the ends of the left and right fingers to the vital point, and press hard.
  * Chiropractic method (tube play)
  Put your thumbs on your temples and put your head back and breathe in.
Press it. Do it both at the same time.

7) I feel drowsy
  For colds accompanied by languidness, the herbal medicine, galgeun-tang, works well.
Stimulating the vital points can be a medicine. Vitamin B1 also hastens the metabolism of the sugar.
It helps to recover from fatigue. Vitamin B1 high in liver, pork, sesame, and salt.
It is one way to eat a meal with something soaked in it is another way.

  * acupressure of back
  1) The area for acupressure is about 2 fingers wide from the backbone.
It extends from the height of the shoulder blade, called the shoulder blade, to the waistline height. 
at the top of this area, one thumb below the waste oil,
At the bottom of the shoulder of the shoulder is the fuel oil, and at the height of the waistline is the new oil vital point.
  2) A person who receives acupressure shall lie down, and a person who exert acupressure shall be next to him (often used).
Sit with your knees raised on the other side of your hand and press your weight on the tip of your thumb.
From top to bottom, press your fingers so that they don't overlap little by little.

  * Stimulation of towels, etc.
  1) Rubbing areas similar to acupressure with a towel is also effective.
The attitude of the stimulator, and the recipient, is the same as in the case of acupressure.
  2) Fold a towel or wet towel to a size that is easy to grab and hold it in both hands, and your back will be hot.
Rub until.

  * Chiropractic pressure of foot
  1) The areas to be pressurized are Samri and Taegye of the foot.
  2) The tripod of the foot is about four fingers wide from the knee bone (pulmonary bone) on the outside of the foot.
be down by
  Sit with your knees up, and you'll see the thumbs of your hands (left foot, left hand) on the same side of your foot.
Press it as if you're standing at the vital point.
  3) The placenta is located between the inside of the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon. foot triplet
The same goes for you.

  * acupressure of hand
  1) The acupressure area is the core of the grain and the alloy.
  2) Grain is at the end of the thumb of the horizontal crease that occurs when the elbow is bent.
with the elbow lightly bent, then with the other thumb end at the vital point, fingers.
Press it as if you're pulling the ends together.
  3) The alloy is between the thumb and forefinger. the forefinger family
Hold your palm with your middle finger and press it as if you are raising your thumb tip.

  * How to keep your stomach warm
  1) The area that needs to be warm is the lower abdomen centered on the belly button.
  2) Put a circuit that is used once into the circuit band and put it from the top of the bottom.
  3) Warm it up for about 10 minutes in a heat that makes it warm enough.

  - When your feet are drowsy, keep the pressure on your feet carefully, and put the cushion under your knees.

    (How to get rid of body languor)
  Picture Description:
  * Rub with a towel
  Rub your back with a towel on your stomach. Hold the towel in both hands and the back of your spine.
Rub it.
  * Area to be pressurized (e.g.)
  the left and right cuff of the spine, about two fingers from the backbone.
from the height connected to the height of the waistline little by little from top to bottom
Press the thumbs without overlapping them.
  * Chiropractic method (three legs)
  with one's knees raised and one's thumbs up on the same side of the legs.
Press it.
  * How to find the feet point
  the tripod of the foot: about four fingers down from the fibula of the knee on the outer side of the leg.
  Tai-gye: Anabolic bone between the back of both radiated bones and the Achilles tendon.
  * Chiropractic method: Sit with your knees raised and the thumb end on the same side of your legs.
Press it like you're standing up.
  * How to find the core of the arm
  Curve: the thumb end of a horizontal crease that occurs when the elbow is bent.
  * Chiropractic method: Press the thumb end as if it were a vital point.
  * How to find the key point of the hand
  Synthesis: Between the thumb and the second finger
  * Areas to warm up
  the lower abdomen centered around the navel.

8) Diarrhea continues and has no appetite
  Depending on the type of virus, even adults have gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting.
Children's colds, though, are particularly prone to symptoms in the stomach.
  It's a bad cold with gastrointestinal symptoms, and it's an herbal medicine for people with poor health.
Sihogyejitang is good for people who are usually physically fit, and it's also good for them.
Spice is often used in people with weak stomachs.
  When you catch a cold, you often lose your appetite, but if you don't eat anything,
The treatment is delayed. having a sour or odor, such as dried plum blossoms, yogurt, ginger, etc.
Think of a menu that will stimulate your appetite, such as using food.

  * Ginger moxibustion (bellion, waist, legs) to treat poor appetite
  1) The locations of the ginger moxibustion are the middle arm of the ship, the new waist, and the trident of the foot.
  2) Zhong Wan is in the middle of the stomach and stomach. Lie down and face up.
To give someone else a pause. When you put gingerbread in the core, light it up, and it gets hot,
Remove. Repeat 3 times.
  3) Shinyu is waistline high, and the width of the fingers is about two outside of the backbone.
There is. Lie face down and let another person take a break three times as well.
  4) The trapeze of the foot is outward of the leg, and the width of the finger at the knee bone (ponus bone)
There are about four below. If you sit your foot forward so that the vital point is up,
You can beat yourself up. Repeat 3 times.

  * Massage to treat poor appetite
  1) The area to drink is below the ribs.
  2) The convex part of three fingers from the forefinger to the ring finger under the rib
On the other hand, rub it outwards from the body's central body, as if drawing eight characters. ten times
Repeat about.

  * How to keep your stomach warm for diarrhea
  1) The area to keep warm is the lower abdomen centered on the belly button.
  2) Put a circuit that is used once on the circuit band and put it on the top of the bottom.
When it gets hot, put another layer of clothes on top. hot enough to feel hot
Keep warm for about 10 minutes.

  * Ginger moxibustion (leg) to treat diarrhea
  1) The location of the ginger moxibustion is Yanggu and Gongson.
  2) Yanggu has three finger widths above the outside line of the knee's slit.
There is. When the polite person climbs up the ankle from the bone towards the big toe of the foot,
The toe is in the end position. As with the three-legged triplet, moxibustion is made three times.

  - A diet that relieves symptoms and stimulates appetite with herbal medicine, moxibustion, or circuits
Think about it.

      (How to treat diarrhea, how to increase appetite)
  Picture Description:
  * How to find the core of a ship (low appetite)
  Zhong Wan (Ginggang Hume): The middle of the stomach and the navel.
  * Massage method (low appetite)
  Use your second finger to your little finger. from the pit of the stomach downwards
Pat lightly.
  * How to find the core of the waist (lack of appetite
  Shin Yu: Height of waistline, about two fingers outward from the backbone.
  * How to find the core of the leg (lack of appetite)
  triceps of leg: fingers at the knee bone (slip bone;ponus) outward of leg
about four down
  * How to keep your stomach warm (diarrhea)
  1) Warm the lower abdomen centered on the belly button.
  2) Use it once on the circuit band and put the discarded circuit in the area to warm it up.
It's dancing.
  * How to find the core of a bridge (diarrhea)
  Yanggu: About three fingers above the outer line of the kneebone slit
  arraignment: bone going to the first toe of the foot up from the toe to the ankle
Up. Where the toes end.

9) I feel nauseous.
  When a child breaks down the stomach condition, he or she not only gets diarrhea but also keeps on nauseating.
Especially in the case of a newborn baby, the stomach looks like a bottle of liquor.
It's physiologically prone to nausea, and when vomiting is severe, the body's moisture is rapidly increasing.
Drain and become dehydrated. Careful with hydration and must be taken care of in pediatrics
See a doctor.
  Adults, meanwhile, may be treated with nausea alone, but diarrhea, vomiting,
In some cases, the nausea is severe and it is difficult to distinguish it from food poisoning. or nausea.
Whether vomiting is caused by a cold or food poisoning is similar nearby
To some extent, for example, whether or not a cold of symptoms is prevalent, or what food has been eaten.
It can be distinguished, but even adults need to see a doctor when symptoms are severe.
  First aid is the pulp of plum grass or plum pickles.
Dissolve it in hot water and drink it, or perform the following essential therapy.
Let's see. Especially, the metaphor, the gastric, and the kidney on the back are spleen, stomach, and kidney, respectively.
Relevant vital points, stimulating metabolism, speeding up nausea-causing substances.
Can be removed.

  * Chiropractic pressure at the waist
  1) The area of acupressure should be outward from the backbone to the width of two fingers.
To reach the waistline The height of the waistline is about three fingers wide from Shinyu and Shinyu.
There's Wei Yu, there's Shin Yu, there's four fingers wide, and there's a metaphor.
There is
  2) Chiropractic pressure is asked to be applied to another person. Those who are under acupressure will lie down.
The chiropractor kneels next to it (the other side of his hand he often uses).
Press the weight on the tip of your thumb. from top to bottom, little by little with fingers
Press it so that it doesn't overlap.

  * acupressure of hand
  1) The point of pressure is the inner tube. The internal canal starts from the center of the wrist wrinkles.
It's at the elbow, about three fingers wide.
  2) Support with the other palm and place the tip of the thumb at the critical point.
Press it down.

  * Chiropractic pressure of foot
  1) The places where the pressure is applied are the main points of the foot's Samri and Chukbin.
  2) The trident of the foot is outward of the foot, and four fingers wide from the knee bone (pulmonary bone).
be down by sitting with one's knees raised, hands like feet (left-handed or left-handed)
Press the thumb end as if it were a vital point.
  3) The capillary is about seven fingers above the ankle bone inside the foot.
be on the back edge of the tibia Sitting in a chair, the tip of your thumb at the apex.
Press it like you're standing up.

  - Infant vomiting is prone to dehydration in severe cases.
a doctor's examination

    (how to stop vomiting)
  Picture Description:
  * How to find the key point of the hand
  Inner tube: about three fingers down from the center of the wrist wrinkles.
  * Chiropractic method (internal tube)
  Hold it with your palm and press it as if you're raising the tip of your thumb.
  * Area to be pressurized (back)
  It's more than four fingers above the waistline than two fingers from the backbone.
Press your fingers lightly to the waistline.
  * How to find the core of a bridge
  Blessed: Height of about seven fingers above the inner radiated bone of the leg and the back of the tibia.
  Trim of the leg: On the outside of the leg, about four fingers from the fibula of the knee.
  * Chiropractic method (Congratulatory guest)
  Sit on a chair and press it like you're holding your thumbs up.

10) My joints ache.
  The pain in the joints is caused by a cold as often as a headache or lack of appetite.
Not really. But once it hurts, it's painful, especially in the back.
Sometimes, you can't even move your body.
  The symptoms of a cold depend on the virus that causes it.
It's fixed, but when you have a flu, it's easy to develop systemic symptoms, and the pain in your joints.
In many cases, it appears to be a serious.
  Moreover, cold headaches, muscle aches, and full-body aches that are likely to cause severe joint pain.
Don't overdo it because it is often accompanied by languor.
  The drugs used for joint pain are also used for fever and headache.
It's a fever reducer, but one of the drugs is called ibuprofructum.
It's a rheumatoid drug that doctors used to treat, so it's more likely to cause pain.
I can say it. Galgeuntang is often used as herbal medicine. You take these pills.
At least a day's rest will greatly improve the pain. But the waist.
Lying down is also important when you are sick. lying sideways in a circle like a shrimp
I like it best, but when you lie up, bend your knees and under your legs.
Lie in a position with a cushion or pillow.

  * Areas prone to pain
  1) Pain occurs on both sides of the joint, but especially in areas where it is easy to wake up
Each part of the waist, knee, ankle and wrist.
  2) Finger from backbone at waistline height where pain is likely to occur at the waist
From Shinyu again, at about the same height as Shinyu on the outside as the width of the two.
The center of the earth chamber, which is as far as two fingers, is located at the center.
  3) In the knee, the knee is centered on the upper knee and the inner fold of the knee.
The area is prone to pain.
  4) Pain also occurs in the area surrounding the joints in the ankle.

  * How to treat joint pain
  1) The sore area will be heated up with a bath brush (sold at a pharmacy).
Rub lightly until.
  2) If the irritation is too strong with a bath brush, it is easy to hold a towel in your hand.
Cut it into sizes, and you can also rub it until it's bubbly hot.
  3) It is also effective to heat the affected area with a hair dryer. Also
Hot air until it's blistering hot, 2-3 minutes of rest, then hot again.
Do it. Repeat this 2-3 times.

  - Rub the affected area with a bathroom brush or towel or warm air from the dryer.
Make it hot often.

    (How to repair pain in the joints)
  Picture Description:
  * Pain-prone wrist areas
  a wrist-wrapped area
  * Pain-prone ankle areas
  an area encased in ankles
  * Waist area prone to pain
  an area that includes the vital points of new yew and tributary.
  Shinyu: Eye level of waistline and about two fingers outwards from the backbone.
  Jishil: Almost the same height as Shinyu and about two fingers outwards than Shinyu.
  * Pain-prone knee areas
  an area of the back of the knee centered on wrinkles.
  The outside of the knee is above the fibula of the knee.
  * Stimulation of the waist with a towel
  Fold both ends of the towel and move left and right.
  * Brush stimuli
  Sit down and rub lightly on the sore spot until it's blurry.

(3) If it worsens, do this.
    1) Creating an environment to prevent further deterioration
  Colds are initially stable, kept warm and nutritious, and within four to five days,
It is a disease that is treated. But in fact, colds are early enough to stabilize.
It is often not, and cold symptoms may continue for several days.
  This is the condition that the cold has worsened. What symptoms last long?
Or not, depending on the person's constitution or the virus that causes it.
It's different, but in any case, it's necessary to see a doctor.
You need to check if you have a cold or not. sure to have a cold and take medicine
If you do not need any other special treatment, please refer to the table on the next page.
Let's read the terms with a comfortable mind.

  * Long-lasting symptoms and expected diseases
  1) When you have little fever and feel drowsy, you can balance your body simply because of a cold.
You can think of other diseases such as tuberculosis and just breaking down.
  2) Inflammation of the middle ear occurs when the fever continues and the discomfort persists in the case of children.
It could be.
  3) When the pain in the throat continues, the tonsils may become inflamed.
  4) When breathing, a condition in which the throat pricks at the same time as a cough.
When it continues, it may be bronchitis or bronchial asthma.
  5) In some cases, sinusitis may occur when the yellow nasal juice continues.

  * Comfortable temperature, humidity, bedding, pajamas
  1) Although the temperature of the room is comfortable between 18 and 20 degrees, the cooler (cooler) in the summer.
When used, limit the difference from outside temperature to less than 5 degrees. unheated
It would be good to have a 20--22 degree time.
  2) Humidity is good around 60p, and 60--70p for coughing or nasal congestion.
It's easy to dry in the winter, so you can use a humidifier and put water in the kettle.
It can be boiled, and it would be good to hang a wet towel in the room.
  3) Ventilation of rooms is also important. Especially a stove with no vent out.
Open the window wide for about 5 minutes per hour when using it.
  4) Blankets are sunburned every day as much as possible. If you have a slight fever, add another blanket.
It may be better to stretch.
  5) Electric blankets are easy to dry your neck or nose, so I recommend you to use them.
No. In the middle of winter, when the cold creeps into your body, you'll have to take a portable brazier.
Place it at the end (but drop it so that it doesn't touch your feet).
  6) Noodles with excellent absorbency are good for pajamas. A bad sleeping child has a stomach.
Be careful not to wear it.

  - enemies with great dryness in the mucous membrane of the throat or nose. Use humidifiers, etc. to keep the room dry.
Humidity before and after 60p.

2) These foods are not effective for these symptoms.
  Good and bad food plays a major role in cold treatment without special effects.

  * Proper food for sore throat
  1) Vegetable soup is good for the throat if it's liquid or semi-fluid.
Potage (sticky soup), galbuntang (sugar in the ribs) and hot water.
Stirred food, etc.
  2) Hot food stimulates the throat strongly, so even if it's hot, you can eat it.
Eat it when you feel cold on your skin.
  3) When the throat hurts due to a summer cold, cool vegetable soup or mash fish.
It is easy to eat cold things such as jelly, pudding, and ice cream.

  * Coughs and phlegm-appropriate food
  1) Since a long time ago, apricot, mower sprout, black beans, and ginkgo have had a strong effect.
I've been saying there is.
  2) Black beans shall be boiled, and the bank shall peel thinly and disappear in oil.
Soak it for 7 to 10 days and use it for dry side dishes, sardas, etc.

  * Appropriate food when the appetite is low
  1) The sour taste of plum pickles, lemons, and candles stimulates the appetite. especially plum
Sliced pickled pickles and mixed fruit with yogurt are good.
  2) Spicy taste of spices, vegetables, and chili peppers such as vegetables (a kind of vegetable)
It can stimulate the appetite.
  3) Cold foods such as noodles and ice cream will be delicious for a midsummer cold.

  * Food suitable for diarrhea
  1) Meeum, clean hot water, and brown sugar (with sugar in the flour) that absorbs digestion.
Food stirred by hot water) is the best choice. Clean hot water is in a state of diarrhea.
Adjust accordingly.
  2) For corrosion, such as tangdubu, chicken breast or white fish mashed, etc.
  3) Apples are said to harden the bowels. apple juice or apple
It would be good to grind it on a steel plate.

  * Proper food for nausea
  1) When you feel nauseous, refrain from eating and let your stomach rest for a while.
  2) If a newborn child has fever and diarrhea together, water supply is required. Vegetable
Soups and alkali drinks can also supply vitamins and minerals. One in a small crockery.
Start with the degree and increase the amount little by little.

  * Proper food for late recovery
  Food with good digestion, absorption, and nutritional balance is needed. liver, interferior,
It is good to have a menu with persimmons, milk, yogurt, and cheese.

  - Take the initiative in eating the food that relieves the symptoms, take enough time and slow down.

    (Symptoms By, Special Cooking with Eating)
  Symptom Food Menu How to Eat, Order of Caution How to Make
    Symptoms: Pain in the throat
  Food: gelatin, milk
  Menu: Galbuntang, Jungtangjuk, Vegetable Soup, Potage, Pudding, Ice Cream, Fish Mashed
  How to eat, how to make: do it in a liquid or semi-fluid way; fall into the throat.
Make it good. If it's too hot, let it pass through your neck. In the summer, the coldest thing is,
Easy to eat.
    phlegm cold
  apricot, black bean, bank
  Boiled black beans, dipped in bank oil.
  Boil black beans well because it is effective to boil them.
    loss of appetite
  plumage, vinegar, lemons, yogurt, tea sauce, ginger, pepper, spices, noodles
  Pink porridge, fruit, yogurt, and marina of white fish.
  Let hot things eat hotter and cold things eat colder.
It's also good to have your liver a little stronger.
  white rice, tofu, white fish, chicken breast, radish, apple, banana, gelatin
  Grilled Beef Bone Soup, Tofu Soup, Juice of Chicken Breast or White Fish Mashed, White Meat
jelly with fish mashed, ground radish steel plate, ground apple with steel plate
  When diarrhea is severe, it becomes heavy, and depending on the condition, it gradually becomes three minutes porridge and five minutes porridge.
It hardens hard.
  vegetable soup, alkali drink
  For a newborn baby, the first small spoon, looking at the condition,
Increase the amount.
    When physical recovery is delayed
  liver, egg, milk, yogurt, cheese, tangerine, bean products, onion, garlic, leek, green onion, green onion, green onion, green onion and green onion
  oyster pot, leek, liver stir-fry, milk shake
  Eat enough protein. Vitamin B1 helps restore skin nutrition,
It contains sulfide, so eating garlic, green onions, and onions together increases the effect.

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