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Why do parents and children resemble each other?

Usually a child resembles a father or a mother.
  In this way, it is called heredity that the characteristics of parents are passed down to their children.
  Mendelo, Austria, was the one who explained the riddle of this genetic code. 
Discovered and later established the 'Law of Mendel'.
  There is something called chromosomes in human cells, and the number is 22**2+2 sum. 
It's 46.
  The 22 phase chromosomes are derived from the eggs of the father's sperm and mother's egg. 
Two sex chromosomes are frussed, making up a total of 46 chromosomes.
  All genetic characteristics are accepted into this chromosome, and in a certain order as genetic information, 
Be arranged.
  This is a gene called DNA.
  Genetics include dominant and recessive genes and other types of genes.
  A dominant gene, a recessive gene, is a trait that is inherited according to Mendel's Law. 
It is said that the Woosung oil field will definitely appear in the next generation (son: the first mixed breed).
  What we call a dominant here means excellence or excellence. 
Be careful not to.
  The recessive gene is based on the same Mendelian law, followed by the following traits from one parent: 
They do not appear in the grand (son) but remain dormant and appear in their grandson.
  For example, double eyelids and single eyelids are dominant.
  That is, if you get two layers and one layer of genes from your parents, two layers of children. 
To be born.
  However, if both parents are in one layer, the glass is in the same layer.
  On the contrary, even if you were born from two parents, you are not necessarily a double child. 
No. If one of the grandparents of each parent had a single layer, the odds would be one-fourth. 
It is the birth of a single child.
  Also, the heredity of the heredity that existed in ancestors (especially grandparents) was a long-standing genetic trait. 
It is a phenomenon that occurs to descendants of later generations.
  My parents can't drink a drop of alcohol, and my son is a heavy drinker. 
Well, for example, there's one of my grandparents who drinks very well. 
The trait is an example of a hereditary heredity.
  But it's very rare, but it's either the sound gave birth to a hawk or it looks like a parent. 
A child who never had a father or an ancestor because he was a 'unborn child' suddenly. 
Occasionally, it appears.
  This is called mutation, which is also inherited from the next generation. 
It will.

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