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You have two lungs and kidneys, so why one heart?

Everyone must have at least once questioned why there is only one heart that is considered the most important when there are two lungs or kidneys.
  We all have in our bodies the plans for the structure of our bodies when mankind occurs on Earth. It is what is called a gene. Because of this gene's instructions, a single organ, or a pair of organs, must have been created and inherited in humans.
  The decision to have one heart, two lungs and two kidneys may be due to each functional problem.
  I would like to add a little bit of explanation about the action of the heart, lungs, and kidneys here.
  As a result of being health conscious, the heart is thought to be very important, but the function is mainly pumping blood out.
  Because of this, the heart is made up of special muscles called myocardial muscles.
  There are two types of muscles: carpal muscle and involuntary muscle, which are also called skeletal muscle. 
A muscle that can move according to one's will, also known as lateral sclerosis.
  Irregular muscles, such as the stomach or intestines, are muscles that cannot move or stop at will, and are made of smooth muscles.
  The specificity of myocardial muscle is that it is called involuntary muscle, even though it is made of transverse myocardium.
  Smooth muscles are suitable for organizations or institutions that repeat monotonous tasks every day without getting tired of them.
  The lateral sclerosis plays a dependable role in the exercise of absolute power once it is relied on, instead of being unable to move unless it is relied on.
  However, the flaw is that this transverse muscle is easily worn out and has less persistence.
  Myocardium has both advantages, so it is powerful and even tireless.
  Compared to the heart, the kidney has a complex structure, which can also be called a giant chemical plant.
  There are one hundred__2 million neoplasms in the kidney, which together form a single kidney.
  A neoplasm, or a capillary vessel, that seems to have clumped red mimicry. 
This refers to a bag-shaped bao-man sack surrounded by lumps (called a sandal) and a slender pipe branch called Yo Se-gwan, which leads to Shin-woo, from its bao-man sack, and is becoming a unit of kidneys.
  The sand dune works to filter blood, releasing waste and harmful substances along with water from the blood. This moisture gathers in the sack of Booman and flows through the urinary tract.
  In this way, the amount of blood passing through the kidneys per day is said to be about 1.5 tons, and the amount of water filtered by the tetragon reaches 150__180 liters.
  This amount is almost equivalent to a drummer.
  Of the total neoplasms, only 6__10% of them are always active.
  After the activity, I take a rest, take turns and function.
  Isn't it because the kidneys have such a significant reserve capacity that they have a big connection to life-sustaining?
  I knew that there was no problem with life on one side because I could afford it.
  Lungs are second to none in precision.
  The lungs are a 0.1-millimeter small group of lung shells shaped like rubber balloons.
  This is a lot of grape on the end of the trachea.
  The number is said to be 750 million.
  Around the emphysema is surrounded by capillaries of copper and vein, dark red venous blood, including carbon dioxide, which goes round the emphysema and throws away carbon dioxide, and takes in oxygen and turns into red arterial blood.
  The so-called abandoned artillery is the place where gas is exchanged.
  The active work is the high-performance chemical plant, with the latest facilities organized.
  The alveoli can be doubled at maximum capacity, but usually with 50__60 percent activity, leaving room.
  As such, having two such abilities as lungs and kidneys, is a good thing. 
It means that you can live as one even in the worst case, and the idea of a spare for it is also established.
  In reverse, the heart is made up of special muscles called myocardial muscles. 
It can also be inferred that the need for a spare was not recognized, given the fact that the function is also physical rather than chemical, so it rarely fails.

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