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What is human life and death like?

The human body is said to be made up of 30 trillion cells.
  The same kind of cell group is called tissue, and all sorts of tissues come together to form an organ. 
Be forming.
  They're working to produce life phenomena, especially life. 
It's not there.
  The cells divide and continue to stretch, but there are also things that are dying out.
  Depending on the speed difference, life and death phenomena occur.
  To say that it's alive, each part of the organism, combined activeness, 
With developmental integration, it can be called unified development.
  Losing it is death.
  Death is a momentary event, not a permanent state.
  How do you judge the moment of death, what do you decide by death, still? 
There is an ongoing debate in the medical profession.
  As a confirmation of death, legally, when you stop breathing or when your heart stops. 
It's an indicator, so stopping breathing or blood flow is like a condition of death. 
It's being thought of.
  But there are many things that life is called the action of the cell organ, the activity of the tissue. 
Given that it's an organic union, it's not that simple to conclude. 
I don't think so.
  The common confirmation of death is that the heart stops, the breathing stops, the various post-organisms. 
It can be identified due to various changes.
  First of all, after death, the body temperature goes down and becomes cold.
  First it goes down by about 2 degrees Celsius in an hour, then after 30 minutes_40 minutes, it's going to be an alien. 
Become equal to temperature.
  Muscle stiffness appears.
  This is because when muscles exercise, sugar breaks down and causes miscarriage or carbonation, resulting in blood loss. 
Carried to the lungs and kidneys, but the postmortem muscle is alive for a long time, so it's a miscarriage, 
The flow of blood stopped while producing the carbonation, so it piled up. 
The muscles swell, contract and harden.
  After that, it becomes softer and the muscles begin to decay and melt.
  When the flow of blood stops, it gathers at the bottom of the body and coagulates.
  That is why purple spots appear.
  It collapses into a somewhat organized form, but if you look closely, each time difference is different. 
There is.
  At the time of the death of the object, the stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys are alive, albeit in a short period of time.
  Even if their organs die, they are still alive in the cell's rebalt.
  As such, the afterlife has been studied and learned, but also death. 
Judging the moment is difficult and research will still continue.
  In the old days, when a patient was in critical condition, a doctor would stick to his side and touch his pulse, or use a stethoscope. 
Listen to the heart beat, so your heart stops for one or two minutes, or after one or two strange breaths, 
death at a delicate moment when one's complexion turns pale and lips change to purple. 
He was sentenced.
  So at times like this, one person out of 50 has a heart for a long time. 
In some cases, starting to shrink or causing extreme embarrassment.
  Right now, I'm giving her adrenaline injections in her heart to do a heart massage, but... 
Two or three minutes like this because it's normal to announce death when it doesn't recover. 
Later there was no such thing as a doctor being humiliated.
  In the case of the brain, if the brain is dead, at least in modern medicine, you can live. 
Since it cannot be recovered, the idea of treating death as brain death is showing the mainstream.
  However, the definition of brain death has many ways of thinking and will continue to change.
  Death would be a great shock to living creatures.

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