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Why can humans think?

What on earth is it to say that you think?
  think of test questions, order of work, method, how to do it the fastest 
Think of the order of the road that might arrive at the destination. think about one's future a person like him 
It's full of things to think about.
  To think like this, is it A or B? Is A and B the same? 
It refers to making a judgment, such as whether to do something or not.
  Philosopher Pascal's 'Man is a thinking reed' is famous, but he thinks. 
Chimpanzees, not just human rights, can also be considered.
  But the cerebrum is made up of two hemispheres, one on the left and the other on the outside. 
White matter, white matter on the inside.
  The gray matter is where the nerve cells are collected, and the white matter is where the bumps from the cells come from. 
It's a gathering place.
  The gray matter of such a surface is called cerebral cortex, and the white matter inside is called cerebral cortex.
  Neurocells are not only on the same surface as the cerebral cortex, but also close to the cerebrum center of the brain. 
It's in places, too.
  In places like that, they also have gray matter, and their natural color is light milk coffee. 
There is.
  Inside these white matter, so-called isolated gray matter is often called xx nuclei.
  For example, cerebrum base nuclei or soft olive nuclei.
  The brain's work is where the nerve cells are, so it's a collection of bumps from the cells. 
It is the part where gray matter, not white matter, thinks or does something.
  In the cerebrum, the memories accumulated in the course of man's life rest quietly. 
When something stimulates your mind, your memory becomes intense. 
It is said that they will make a decision by moving.
  The amount of information accumulated is small, or not properly processed, so you can take the best course. 
If you don't have it, you won't be able to make good ideas and judgments.
  Like this, one always accumulates the amount of learning so that it can be extracted. 
You can make a better judgment by working.
  Nutrition also plays an important role in the human brain.
  If you're undernourished and your brain goes bad, you're confused with information choices, or you're not going to be able to 
Some say they are asleep.
  The above explanation is from a perspective called cerebral action, but basically, 
We'll look at it from a point of view, but basically chemical metabolism and electrical information delivery. 
There are still many other unknown parts.

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