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This is how summer colds are treated.
  Summer colds are the same type of symptoms as winter colds and summer colds.
There is a type that shows unique symptoms. Herufangina, aquarium, grass fever, etc.
It's a typical child's cold, with little nasal juice or cough in any symptoms.
The main symptoms are fever, pain in the mouth or throat, and conjunctivitis.
  In the hot season, you suffer from heat, and in addition, you get wet inside your mouth because of blisters.
Because of that, I'm losing my appetite. In times like this, it's easy to get through your throat.
Research on preparing food is also needed.

  * Rub with a towel (back)
  1) Rub it on the back of the neck and shoulders. containing dates, rumors, and waste oil.
A zone. The jujube is the lower part of the bone (the seventh cervical vertebra) that protrudes when the neck is bent forward.
The wind tunnel is three fingers wide from the jujube, two fingers wide from the bottom, and two fingers wide from the outside.
It's about a thumb in the waste oil.
  2) Next, rub the waist area, which includes the new oil and ground thread.
  Sinyu is waistline high, about two widths of fingers from the backbone, and the jigil is about the outside.
It is about the same height as Shinyu, and is about two fingers outside of Shinyu.
  3) Rub the upper part of the pelvis and the area centered on colon oil. Daejangyu
It is about four fingers below Shinyu.
  4) Lie face down in any area and ask others to rub. scrubbing
A man kneels beside a man lying on his stomach (the other side of his arm that he often uses).
Sit down and cut the towel into small enough pieces to hold it in your hand, and it's going to get hot.
Rub to a degree.

  * Rub with a towel (bellied)
  1) Rub the lower abdomen around the belly button.
  2) The abdomen can irritate itself. Move your back down.
Cut the towel into bite-sized pieces, until it's blistering hot. 
Rub it.

  * Makes your eyes cold.
  1) Experiment with conjunctivitis. The area to cool is around the eyes.
  2) Lie straight up and squeeze wet towels or gauze into the water.
It's dancing.
  3) Prepare 3-4 sheets of wet towels, change them when they get warm, and let them cool for about 5 minutes.

  * How to apply ginger on your hands
  1) The area where the moxibustion is called the Igan and Hapgok. Egan's index finger
Counting from the end, over the second joint (to the wrist) where the joint is recessed,
Between the thumb and forefinger.
  2) Both place wormwood on a 2mm thick ginger and light it to heat it up.
Remove. Repeat 2-3 times.

  - From the back of the neck to the shoulder, the waist and abdomen will be warm with a towel.
Rub until.

Baby, watch out for colds here.
  Children's colds are fast-paced, so family care is needed.

  * When I have a fever
  1) Infants under 6 months old should consult a doctor even if they have a mild fever. 6 months
Even a newborn child with a fever of 38 degrees or higher needs to be examined while sleeping.
If you have a fever and you don't have any symptoms other than a fever, you can wait until the next day.
It's all right.
  2) There is a fever of 39 degrees Celsius or higher, and drinking breast milk or milk is poor, and moisture level is low.
If you don't accept it, you may become dehydrated. Hurry up and go to the hospital.
to do
  3) In case of thermal convulsions, loosen the clothing, etc. and cool the body.
Shake your body by putting chopsticks in your mouth or calling out the baby's name loudly.
Don't do that. How many trillions of times did the spasm occur in some parts of the body?
I check my back to see if there is any, and go to the hospital after my symptoms have stabilized a little bit. Only
If the spasm continues for more than five minutes, take him to the hospital immediately.
  4) Ice pillows are for children, and it will make you happy if you break the ice into small pieces.
It will.
  5) In case of a high fever, the area where the artery under the chin runs, below the armpit, and the ankle area.
The fever goes down quickly if you cool it down. Double plastic bags and shred inside
Add ice and water and cover with a towel.
  6) It feels good to put your bottoms or pajamas in a plastic bag and cool them in the refrigerator.

  * Proper body temperature measurement
  1) Close to the end of the thermometer where the artery under the armpit or under the chin is running
Put it on, press it with your mother's hand, and if it's mercury, put it in for 5 minutes.
  I think it's feverish when it's more than 1 degree above the average heat. from the usual point of day
Set a certain time frame and take the heat several times to make sure the body temperature is kept clear.
  2) When measuring with anus, apply baby oil at the end of the anus system and add about 3cm.
Measure for 2-3 minutes.
  3) Electronic thermometers, liquid crystal thermometers, etc. can be easily measured.
After a bath, after a meal and after an exercise, the fever goes up. Take this time to avoid.

  * How to feed and how to use medication
  1) Spoiler when giving syrup medicine to a baby who is a month old (dalnai)
It is convenient to use. Soak powder in warm water, inside the baby's cheeks, or
Apply to the upper jaw and let it suck.
  2) If the fever is over 38.5 degrees Celsius, you may fall asleep pleasantly if you lower the heat with a fever reducer.
There are times when you get an appetite. Use less if you use it for the first time.

  - Children with fevers (heat) convulsions are prepared with fever reducers or anticonvulsants.
The doctor teaches me how to use it.

    (Children's cold convulsions)
  Picture Description:
  * How to measure with anus: Put the thermometer in the anus about 3cm.
  * How to Feed Powder: Apply on the inside of the bowl.
  * Areas that cool down during high fever: neck, armpit, body and leg line on the shoulder
  * How to lower a fever when you have a high fever
  When you suddenly have a high fever, put ice and water in a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel.
Cool it down.

  * Breathing rate, pulse rate, body temperature when healthy
  Breathing water (1 minute) Pulse (1 minute) Body temperature (1 minute) (Cold lance temperature, unit degree)
  Neonatal 40--50 120--160 36.7--37.5
  Infatuation 30--40 120--140 36.8--37.3
  Children 20--30 90--120 36.6--37.3
  STUDENT 18--20 80--90 36.1--37.5
  Adult 16--18 60--70 Before and After 37

the right choice of market medicine
  To be sure, colds have no special effects. Any drug that you take is all about popular therapy.
Because it is a medicine, it is chosen according to the symptoms. Taking medicine in white soup
As a rule, it is refreshing to drink coffee or tea to induce sleep.

  * How to select sneeze, nasal juice, nasal congestion medicine
  1) Most of the medications you take are antihistamines such as malane acid, crofaniramines, etc.,
vascular water festivals such as hydrochloric acid naphazolin, hydrochloric acid fernirpropanolamine, etc.
Antiallegy is the main ingredient. Antihistamines have a sleep-inducing effect.
Therefore, the driver of the car does not take it.
  2) Capsules are applied twice a day because the effects of the capsules are gradually applied and the effects continue.
Enough. Suitable for busy people.
  3) Vascular contractions and antihistamines are also included in most of the mucus drugs (applied drugs).
However, unlike the medicine you take, you don't have to worry about falling asleep. But if you use it for a long time,
It's not working. Continuous use is limited to 2-3 days.

  * Medication options that are good for fever, headache, and joint pain
  1) Use a fever reducer. Ibufurocium is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, gastrointestinal.
It is said that there are few side effects of the back. It is a suitable medicine for severe headaches or joint pain.
  2) Aspirin is also good for anti-inflammatory and pain, but depending on the person, it causes stomach problems.
In some cases, people with weak stomachs may mix antacid, aspirin, alminium, etc.
Take the medicine you studied to be absorbed in your sleep.
  3) If a child is infected with a virus, the death rate of Lai's syndrome is high.
There's a case of disease, and there's also a bad thing about aspirin.
I do. There are few cases of Lai's syndrome from a cold, but it's for vigilance.
Children should be asked to choose a drug other than aspirin.
  4) Pyrhythmias have a definite effect on severe headaches, but they are physically allergic.
Some people are susceptible to reaction. Only for those who don't worry about allergies.

  * How to choose cough, phlegm, and pain meds for the throat
  1) Most medications include bronchial dilators, central anti-hypertensive agents, girders, antihistamines,
be mixed with anti-inflammatory agents
  2) There is also a biopharmaceutical inside the Troussi (a pill made by mixing candy and medicine).
  3) Those who cough at night or early in the morning should go to bed.
It would be good to eat before.

  * How to select the Comprehensive Depositor
  1) It contains components that relieve various symptoms and has more than one symptom.
For use in cases. Eat and go to bed soon for early colds. Always be prepared at home.
You'd better leave it.
  2) For children who dislike medication, applying it will be good.

  - Neck medicine, nose medicine... It is basic to use medicine to match symptoms.

A bad cold is good for herbal medicine is good.
  The herbal medicine can be used safely by pregnant women, and there are concerns about sleepiness, etc.
No. It works very well, especially when an early cold worsens. effectively
The trick to use is not just the symptoms that are present, but your physical strength,
to choose what fits your constitution and drink on an empty stomach other than a special prescription.
It's a job.

  * How to select herbal medicine for early colds
  1) If a person with moderate physical strength causes stomach problems, he or she usually has brown soup.
Used especially when fever, shoulder cramps, headaches, etc. are not lacking in juice.
It works well.
  2) Gyeji-tang is good for people with weak constitution, and is dizzy or juicy.
Listen well when you're lacking.
  3) Use mahwangtang for those with physical strength. chills, fever, limbs
Listen well when you have joint pain and are not short of juice.
  4) In case of a cold with strong gastrointestinal symptoms, use sausage and chicken soup.
Used. Simultaneously, only chest cavity (push the underside of the ribs towards the breast) to resist and to resist.
It's good to hear when there's a tenderness or discomfort in your mouth.
Shihojitang is a medicine suitable for people with no physical strength.
  5) Spic acid is used when a person with a weak stomach has a cold.
  6) Use Socheongnyongtang when you have a runny nose. especially if it is moved by gastrointestinal integers.
It's good for people who hear the sound of water dripping around the stomach.
  7) Gupung Haedoktang works well when your throat hurts badly. throat rinsing
It's the trick to increase the effect, but it's painful, so it's easy to drink it with ice.
You'll be able to eat.

  * How to select herbal medicine when the cold is weakened
  1) Lack of appetite, languor, and fever do not seem to be good for recovery.
When you have a back, use sausage stew if you have a medium stamina.
  2) For those with the same symptoms and weak physical strength, use Siho ji ji tang.
  3) The symptoms are the same, and the deterioration of a person or child with very weak physical strength.
Sogunjungtang would be good for a cold. Especially, it's difficult to eat normally and it's a headache,
It works for children who have diarrhea and are on the plump side.
  4) Grilled short rib soup (medium stamina), when nasal juice or nasal congestion continues,
Use galgeun tanggacheon gungsin (medium physical strength) and mahwangtang (strong physical strength). especially
Galgeun tanggatanga chungsin will purr at the neck when the nasal juices are severe, and Ma Hwangtang will purr at the neck when breathing
be valid in case
  5) When coughing is severe, maekmundongtang and Mahenggamseoktang are used. McMoon-dong-tang is severe.
When you don't have a cough, a cold, or phlegm, the horse-riding gummy soup coughs at dawn.
It works when phlegm comes out.

  - Oriental medicine works well for early and worsened colds. according to one's physical constitution

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