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How did humans evolve from monkeys?

The human race, the man in charge of the earth's civilization, firstly, like any other animal, he's a four-legged walker. 
It was an animal.
  It's straight forward that human ancestors began to distinguish themselves from other animals. 
It's from the beginning.
  Now that he could walk on both feet, he could use his hands for other purposes. 
Brain development designed the tool, and the hand handled it effectively and well handled it effectively. 
It's starting to make humans live differently from other animals. 
It was a crucial condition.
  Humans are called primates (Homo sapiens) and are similar to primates like humans. 
The process of evolution is different from the monkey family.
  Monkey family, which is similar to humans, are apes, like oolangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas, 
These include long-sleeved monkeys, four kinds of monkeys.
  The apes, if they don't have tails, walk semi-straight, and have longer forearms than the headdress. 
There's a lot of ground to reach.
  The sequence of changes in human form that we know so far is largely divided by regiment. 
primitive Australopithecus group -> Pithecanthropus cinanthropus group -> 
Neanderthals -> Eringusdraff, Carmer Army -> Fossil Homo sapiens -> 
It leads to modern people, but in practice each reproductive regiment is intricately intertwined.
  Australopithecus, thought to be the best human being discovered in South Africa. 
Fossils that were reproducing a million years ago, such as pelvis very similar to humans, or very similar to humans, 
Judging from the skeleton, it is believed that he was already walking upright. In addition 
Judging from the discovery of the reverse ostrich believed to have been used by Australopithecus, 
It became clear that Australopithecus was the best human being.
  The following Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus groups are the age of causes, medicine. 
a human being who lived 500,000__200,000 years ago, a famous cause of Beijing or Java. 
The back is a human being of this age.
  The cause of Sinantropus Beijing is thought to have been able to use fire, 
The remains include the best remains of a brazier or burned bone.
  The cause of Beijing's hunting life was the use of long bones from animals instead of clubs. 
Killing eggplant animals, using fire to chase predators or roast meat. 
There must have been.
  Neanderthals are the next thing that appears after the cause.
  It's also called a savior, and about 150,000__50,000 years ago, the human race, so far. 
He had a head that was incomparably large and had a brain capacity of 1300__1600cc. 
Based on the fact that some people were larger than the average 1,450cc of modern people.
  I already knew I'd use fire, and this has changed my lifestyle. 
Neanderthals expand their agricultural life or increase their plant species. 
He went out and made food easier to eat using fire.
  The means of living are also classified as hunting, grazing, and farming.
  Neanderthals also perform ceremonial burials of dead people, such as sacrifices. 
Judging from the remains of the event, the mental structure is quite high. 
It is thought to have been developed.
  At the end of the Neanderthal era, the poet era began.
  A rookie is a fossilized homosapiens, a human being today (Homo sapiens) and a big one. 
It's a human being without a difference.
  In this era, the type of stoneware was increased and refined. 
In addition to painting, sculpture, and so on, he was intelligent. 
Life is beginning, not just to maintain life and preserve species.
  Even if it's hunting, it's much more brainy compared to a job seeker, and it's organized by a group. 
They hunt reindeer, mammoths, wild horses, or they come up with traps to efficiently hunt. 
  A newcomer who survived the terrible ice age is transitioning to the Neolithic Age.
  In West Asia, by 6000 B.C., the growing of barley, which was growing by itself, 
Cattle and sheep were domesticated and primitive farming began.
  Representing fossil homo sapiens is the Cromagnon people (Europe), whose brain capacity is 1660cc. 
It's done.
  Ethnic characteristics are already being identified in fossil humans of this era.
  The colored murals found in the Lascaux cave in southern France were painted by a Cromagnon. 
It is estimated to be 15,000 years old, and its artistic value is also highly regarded.

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