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How did humans learn to use words?

Humans communicate in words.
  This is an essential part of human activities.
  You can't speak, so you can use body movements, gestures, or sign language all the time. 
It will.
  So, why could he speak?
  Usually five words at the age of one, 260 words at the age of two, 800 words at the age of three, and 2,000 words at the age of five. 
It's said to be.
  In order to speak, listen to the other person, understand the meaning, and understand the meaning of it. 
It is necessary to organize the contents based on the thoughts that you want to convey. 
When you think about children learning to speak, the name or movement of an object, for example, "Bob," 
Learn by repeating, like 'Eating'.
  In addition, in the second or third day of the year, I'm going to be able to give and receive daily life and express myself in a more polite way. 
Even if they do, they are talking without knowing the text.
  Realizing this is the result of a new understanding of efficient learning of foreign languages. 
It's important.
  So it's all about learning from an early age, and it's all about learning. 
The area called the language range of the cerebral cortex plays an important role.
  This language range is in the left hemisphere, but in the case of infants, both sides of the left and right hemispheres alike. 
tend to work
  The language range of the cerebral cortex is not active right after childbirth, but due to repeated learning, 
Slowly begin to work.
  The learning of words, at first, means understanding or writing the meaning of words in the same way as a dictionary. 
It's not about learning, it's not about learning in organized letters, but it's about learning many times. 
By repeating, you learn to direct and describe a certain object.
  The activities of the language range are closely related to the learning of writing and reading, 
This involves other parts of the language.
  In other words, the reading of characters has factors that are visually shaped and taught, and they are also characters. 
There is a factor in writing that completes a form called a narrative.
  What happens if the language range gets sick or damaged?
  As to the phoneme or meaning of a word, it's called aphasia, which causes complex disorders. 
It's to be in a state.
  At this time, Gana, the phonetic alphabet, has difficulty reading and writing. 
It does not cause such a degree of disability for Chinese characters.
  Also, if the whole posterior lobe of the cerebrum and the posterior parietal lobe of the cerebellum are violated in a limited area, 
Aphasia occurs that does not involve aphasia occurs.
  What can be said, as above, is the language range of the cerebral cortex, to learn. 
This learning ability, however, is unthinkable from the development of intelligence. 
It will.

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