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Why can humans walk on two feet?

Living things continue to adapt to the environment of the time in the long history of the Earth, constantly. 
As it evolved, it repeated its survival and passed on species to posterity.
  Humanity is one of them. The distant ancestors of mankind, just like any other animal, walked four feet. 
I was doing it.
  Quartet walking, though primitive, is the most stable posture. Why is it only human beings? 
Do you think they got to walk straight?
  It has a deep relationship with the evolution of life.
  Not only humans, but also organisms, all of which have evolved in order to adapt to their own environment. 
It has maintained its existence over and over again.
  According to the theory of plural evolution, species change does not occur in a certain direction. 
Only adapting to extraterrestrial conditions has survived, in the form of acquired learning during the first generation. 
It is said to be handed down to the next generation.
  At the same time, we recognize mutations, and the main cause of evolution is... 
I thought it was a natural choice.
  A mutation is not a sudden mutation, but a very small mutation, and it's a small mutation. 
It is said that aggregation is important.
  Natural selection, in terms of survival competition or weakness, 
Contrary to what you feel, this process is caused by differences in reproductive ability, and many of your offspring are born. 
Leaving behind is the best thing to do. In other words, it is called survival of the fittest.
  We know that humans, through these mutations, these stages of evolution, can happen at some point. 
All right, stand up and start to take the first step.
  So the skeletons that adapt to uprightness were formed, and the shape of the muscles was dependent upon it. 
It's changed.
  In particular, the muscles of the feet have been developed to suit upright walking.
  One of the evidence that leaves behind the traces of a time when mankind was walking on a four-legged path. 
a total of 30 spinal neurons from each joint of the tibia to the sternum. 
It can be seen in the range of shares.
  in the form of a horizontal back crawling along the ground with four hands and feet, with arms and legs up and down (i.e. 
If cut in a plane perpendicular to the spine in the form of a four-legged walk, the same area is. 
be within the scope of the division of tardy nerves. In other words, the scope of this nerve's division is... 
It is said to be the same as the four-legged walking era.
  And the whole body is wrapped in body hair, and it evolves little by little over the years. 
It's a constant mutation, and it's starting to characterize us as human beings. 
It's the Australopithecus.
  Based on the fossil skeletons, the Australopithecus army has been able to walk upright, a characteristic of mankind. 
It's the best human being I've ever been doing.
  Once we realized that we were walking upright, and we were attracted by its convenience, so we were bound by this. 
You know how to use your hands, and your brain develops in the process of making tools, so you can use other hands. 
He started to walk a different path from animals.

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