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the legend of constellations


Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, attended in elegant, courteous clothes with Cupid, the god of love and her beloved son.

Of course, all the goddesses tried to show off their looks at the feast of the gods. But it was so beautiful that no one could say it was the most beautiful.

The gods were gathering in twos and threes with glasses of wine in one hand to discuss the creation of the universe and the things that should be done to humans, and the children who hated boredom were already absorbed in tag.

The atmosphere of the banquet hall was at its peak with fragrant liquor and delicious flavored foods. However, the peaceful and colorful party was broken because of the unexpected visitor.

This uninvited guest was a monster Tiffon with an ugly appearance and a vicious heart. The purpose of his visit to the banquet was to disturb it.

He flipped over the table where the food was served and threw the flowerpot with beautiful flowers into the fountain. 

And with a scary face, all the gods gathered in the banquet hall were terrified. The gods all began to flee in all directions, and the splendid banquet hall was in chaos. 

Screams and children's cries resounded far into the sky. At this time, Aphrodite found that his son Cupid had disappeared and searched everywhere for the existence of the uninvited guest. 

After searching everywhere, Aphrodite quickly held his trembling son in his arms when he found Cupid crying under the piano. And to stop him from breaking up with Cupid, he tied his feet and his son's feet and turned them into fish, leaving the hands of a terrible uninvited guest.


The Crab is said to be the constellation of the poor crab that was trampled to death by the feet of Hercules, the greatest hero of Greek mythology. 

How did a crab light up at Hercules' feet and die, and become the constellation of heaven again? Hercules was the son of the king of the gods, born between Zeus and ordinary human beings.

Zeus' wife Hera tried to kill him twice, but he was Greece's greatest hero and strongest man, and all failed. He did all the hard work of the world, and the gods conquered the giants with his cooperation.

One day Hercules went to King Euryteus for a hero's welcome, but the king, who was ordered by Hera, asked Hercules to solve 12 difficult problems. The second of them was to eradicate the monster water snake Hydra in the Nemea Valley.

Hydra was a nine-headed snake that quickly produced another head and was hard to kill. Hercules fought a blood feud with Hydra for 30 days and finally managed to get rid of eight heads by setting fire to Hydra's head, thinking of a way.

Then goddess Hera sent a crab to help Hydra.  The crab bit Hercules' toes fighting the Hydra at the command of the goddess, who was eventually trampled on his foot and died with one foot broken.

Hera put the body up in heaven to become a constellation in return for the poor crab who died wrapping it for her. But the body of the poor crab, who lost one leg, cannot be seen well among the bright stars because it is decorated with dark stars in the sky.


Once upon a time there lived a very nice prince in Troy. No matter how handsome he was, all the virgins in the country opened their mouths. 

Beauty was the greatest dream of marrying Prince Kanamene. One day a banquet was held in the sky. Then a woman who works to pour alcohol to the god Zeus hurt her ankle and could no longer do it. 

Zeus looked for someone else, but there was no one he liked. Many gods introduced other women, but none of them caught Zeus' eye. Then one day Apollo had to go to Troy. Apollo was surprised to see the prince playing with the court ladies there. 'There is such a beautiful prince in the world!' Apollo came up to the sky and told Zeus about Prince Kanimezhe that he had seen in Troy. 

Curious, Zeus went to Troy and saw Prince Ganymede. Zeus, who liked the prince, turned into a big eagle and snatched him at once when he was alone and came up to the sky. 

The prince became a servant of Zeus and became a drunkard.  But the prince shed tears at the thought of his hometown and family. The people of Troy wanted to see the prince, but they couldn't tell where he went. 

When the prince was so sad and the king of Troy also missed him, Zeus felt sorry. 

So he told the king of Troy the truth and sent some Shinma to comfort him. 

The prince was also sent to the castle to meet the king. Then he brought her back to heaven and made her pour the drink. 

So the handsome Prince Ganymede became a water bottle and poured alcohol.


Hercules, the hero of the time, is said to have the characteristics of Leo.

Hercules is the son of God, born between Zeus and humans, and by nature has boundless divinity. But Zeus' wife Hera's jealousy put him in a lot of trouble.

When Heracres was young, he almost died of being bitten by a snake, and he smiled, grabbed the snakes and killed them with one hand. Hera, who came to hate Hercules even more, never for a moment gave up trying to assassinate him. She beat Hercules' wife until she went mad. Hercules went to the king of Nemea with great regret, but the king of Nemea, who was ordered by Hera, made Hercules do 12 things.

One of them was a mission to kill cannibals. The cannibal lived in the woods.

Hercules looked for him and the forest was quiet because the cannibal ate all the animals. By the time Hercules was exhausted and exhausted, a cannibal appeared in the cave. The lion looked five times as big as the other lion. 

The blood of animals was all over his body, making him look terrible. Hercules fired an arrow, but it was of no use because he was so big.

The stabbing didn't hurt a single thing. Eventually, Hercules fought a landfight with the lion and killed the lion, but the process was so devastating that Zeus closed his eyes.

Hera sent a lion to heaven to honor her scapegoat, and Hercules carried the lion's hide around her.


When the world was first created, mankind and God lived together on the ground and had a peaceful and happy day. 

However, humans have become smarter, learned to fight each other, and created lies, bad habits, etc. 

Therefore, many gods became intolerable and decided to leave the human world and went up to heaven. 

However, among many gods, there was a righteous goddess who lived with mankind as before, never disappointed in human nature.

The human race became more evil, even waging war and causing injury. In the end, even the compassionate and righteous goddess became unbearable and went up to heaven.

She still believed that she would not give up and return to her good nature as before.

Then one day, the god of the sea laughed at the goddess who had compassion for humans.  The angry goddess insulted herself by the god of the sea. Herein asked Zeus to mediate. But the goddess of justice was her daughter, and the god of the sea was her brother, so it was difficult to side with either side.

Eventually, the losing side decided to apologize for the match. 

The place of the competition was the square of the sky, once the god of the sea shook toward the wall, and a very delicious spring stream flowed through the crack, and then the goddess of justice turned into an olive tree, making anyone feel love and peace when they saw this tree.

After the match, the god of the sea admired and admitted that he had lost. Zeus threw his scales into the sky to celebrate it and it became the Libra.

double digit 

Once upon a time, there lived a king called Thessalier Atamas in Greece.

He had two siblings, Fricksus and Helera. When they were still young, their mother fell into a woman's ruse and was kicked out of the palace. 

When the queen left the palace, the king accepted the new queen, but the new queen was so jealous that she hated the king for being nice to the prince and princess of the former queen. Spring has come to Thessalier, and it is time for rice planting.

The new queen distributed the boiled seeds to the farmers. However, no matter how much water you spray on boiled seeds, no sprouts come out. The farmers were completely unaware of this and waited for the rain.  At this very moment, the new queen spread false rumors.

The reason rice ears don't sprout is because this country has been hit by a disaster. The prince and the princess had a bad heart, so heaven gave them heavenly punishment. The news spread rapidly throughout the country. 

There have been constant requests for the execution of the prince and princess of all ages. Appeals have been filed that only when the two are executed can the country be at ease and reap abundant harvests, and lead a rich and stable life in the past. The king was reluctant to do so, but he had no choice but to not think about the public sentiment. 

The king, who could not know what the people would do without the two, was forced to do so. 

The news came to the ears of the prince and princess' birth mother. She was surprised, but all she could do was ask God Zeus for help. Then Zeusin decided to help the brother and sister.

On the day of execution of the sentence, a sheep suddenly came down from the sky, carrying the two brothers and sisters, and flew into the eastern sky like an arrow. The two children struggled hard not to fall off the back of the sheep, but the young Helle lost his grip and fell down.

The fall of Helle was the strait that borders Asia and Europe, which people later called Helespont to remember Helle's poor fate. The alone Pricksus kept flying in sheep and safely arrived at a place called Kolkis, which sits on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. 

Zeus, in recognition of Miss Lee's service, has made it a constellation of heaven and has been shining until now.

goat's nest 

Once upon a time, in the valley of Arcadia lived a god called Pan, the guardian of herdsmen. 

Pan's appearance was so ugly that he was no different from a monster. The head had horns, the lower body had goat feet. This ugly appearance made Pan very pessimistic and lonely.  I couldn't speak even if there was a goddess I loved. 

Who knows that there is a warm heart in this ugly figure? He was living day and night, only playing the flute, soothing his loneliness and solitude. Then one day by the Nile, all the gods were having a party and enjoying themselves.

Zeus knew that Pan's flute was great, so he was invited to the party to play the flute. 

The pitifully beautiful flute spread deep into the forest, and all the fairies and gods could not help but admire it. 

At this time, a giant Tiffon with a hundred eyes appeared from the far side of the forest. The goddesses and fairies were all startled and flew away, turning into butterflies or new ones, and some turned into fish and fled. Pan also jumped into the water by chanting the spell, but was in such a hurry that the order was mixed up.

So the upper body turned into a goat and the lower body into a fish. The moment Pan was about to change his order, there was a distant cry of Zeus captivated by Tiffon. Pan hurriedly took the flute in his mouth and began to make a piercing sound.

Upon hearing this sound, the dumb Tiffon was frightened and ran away, leaving Zeus alone. Zeus, who survived with Pan's witty help, made a sea goat in heaven's stars, half goats and half fish, to remember Pan's help forever.


Demeter, the goddess of the earth, had a daughter named Persephone, the goddess of beautiful spring. Then she saw a silver daffodil in the distance. As the enchanting scent tempted Persephone, she reached out and tried to pluck the flowers, and the earth split and a carriage pulled by two black horses came up from the ground. Turns out Hades, the god of hell, loved Persephone, the god of spring, and dug a trap and kidnapped her. Persephone's screams spread across valleys and seas. 

Of course I heard it in Dertemer's ear. She stopped harvesting and searched for her daughter. 

In the human world, the mother of the earth was gone, so no sprouts grew on the ground, and no fertile land grew rice. So the poor men went to the brink of starvation. Zeus saw the situation and ordered Hades to release it. Hades could not disobey this order. But Hades gave Persephone a pomegranate. Persephone who ate the pomegranate without thinking. If I ate food in hell, I could never go back to the human world. This was a ruse that Zeus couldn't help. Eventually, Zeus mediated to live half a year and a half on the ground. That's why Persephone became the constellation of the sky every spring and came up to the eastern sky. Since then, the cold has come and the grass has not grown up since Demeter, the goddess of the earth, is saddened to miss her daughter in the underworld.


Orion, son of the sun god Apollo, was often narcissistic about his beautiful appearance, and his attitude was arrogant and unruly. To him, who was only making trouble, one day passed with a smile, "You're not Apollo's son." The impatient Orion couldn't just pass by and ran to his mother and asked, "Am I Apollo's son?" "Of course, your father is Apollo." But Orion was growing suspicious day by day despite her mother's answer. Then, I went up to the sky to ask Apollo, the sun god. When Apollo heard Orion's question, he said, "Of course you are my son!" and laughed loudly. Still, he cried, "I can't believe it." In fact, Orion lied because he wanted to ride in the sun's carriage, even though he knew that the sun god would never bark. That was to prove that he was Apollo's son.  Apollo dissuaded him from doing that, but the arrogant Orion pretended to listen to his father's attention and jumped into the sun wagon. The result was, of course, miserable. Humans, animals, and plants on the ground all burned to death or froze to death, and the time of confusion continued to muddle day and night. The gods also exasperated Orion's actions. 

Then Zeus' wife Hera sent a scorpion to bite Orion's ankle. Orion screamed painfully and fell to the ground and died. That's why Orion lost to the western sky when Scorpio rose.

twin constellation 

Gemini is a constellation that holds the devoted friendship between Castro and the Polox brothers. 

Besides the good relationship between the two brothers, they looked so much alike that people thought they were twins. 

In fact, Flux was the son of Zeus, who turned into a swan, who lured Reda, the queen of Sparta, and Castro was the son of a king and a queen. Therefore, his brother was a god and had eternal life, but his brother was nothing but a nobody.

The queen had many other sons besides them, but their relationship was not good. One day a wild pig appeared in the country and caused a disturbance. Several princes were fighting each other for the ball and Castro died. 

After his brother died, he tried to die because he couldn't bear the sorrow, but he couldn't even die. Eventually, Polox went up to the sky and asked his father, Zeus, for help. But Zeus had no choice but to say so.

"My brother is just an ordinary human being. One day I'll die. If you want to save your life again, you will have to share the rest of your life with your brother." 

Polox, who was good-natured and deeply in love with his brother, accepted immediately without hesitation. 

Impressed by the brotherhood of these brothers, Zeus allowed half a day to stay together on the ground for half a day in the underworld. And in order to honor their friendship forever, they put their souls in the sky and made two bright stars side by side.


Orion was the son of Poseidon. He was a beautiful giant, and also a mighty hunter. 

His father gave him the power to walk under the sea. According to another theory, it gave the power to walk on the sea. Orion loved Merope, the daughter of Oinophion, king of the island of Kios, and asked her to marry him. He hunted the animals on the island and presented them to his lover as a gift. 

But Orion finally tried to take her by force, for Oenopion had always postponed her consent.

Her father, enraged by this act, took Orion's drink, pulled out his eyes and dumped him on the beach. The hero, who became blind in a flash, stammered along the sound of the hammer of the one-eyed giant Quichlopps and went to the blacksmith's smithy of Hephaestos when he arrived on the island of Lemnos.

Hephaestos felt sorry for him and had a workman named Kedalion lead him to Apollo's residence. And there I met Apollo and got my eyesight back with his help. Later he lived with the hunting goddess Artemis as a hunter. 

He loved this goddess very much. And she was rumored to marry him in the future. Apollo, who was Artemis' brother, was very displeased with it and often rebuked her, but it didn't work. 

One day, Apollo saw Orion barely put its head on the surface and crossed the sea, pointing it at Artemis, encouraging that your bow skills would not be able to guess the black object seen over that sea. Then Artemis, the master of the bow, shot the bow at the target of fate. Orion died on the spot. The waves drove Orion's body ashore. 

Artemis put Orion in the middle of the star, wailing at his fateful mistake. There he is shown in the form of a giant, wearing a belt, a sword, a lion's fur around his body, and a club in his hand. And the hunting dog, "Serios," follows and the Pleiades flies away in front of him. Plyades was Atlas' daughters and nymphs, the servants of Artemis. 

One day Orion saw them and chased after them with fascination. Unknowingly, they prayed to God for their transformation. Then Zeus took pity on them and turned them into pigeons, making them the constellation of heaven. There were seven of them all, but there were only six that looked like stars. 

This was because one of them, Electra, left there not to see Troy fall. Because Troy was built by her son Dardanos. Her sisters were upset at the sight of Troy's fall and have always looked pale since.


One day, Zeus, the king of the gods, came down to the human world and saw a beautiful princess while passing through a country.

Zeus had lost his mind and went back to heaven, but could not forget the princess. There was a very beautiful ranch in the country where this princess was, and there were countless cows in it.

One fine morning, the princess came out to the ranch without exception. While the princess was playing among the cows, a cow suddenly began to sing. The sound was so beautiful that the princess unwittingly walked towards it. The princess fell in love with this cow as soon as she saw it. Not only was the cow good at singing, but she was also beyond reproach for her appearance.

When the princess was hugging the cow and singing a song of love, the cow suddenly began to fly into the sky with the princess on her back. The cow finally stopped on the beautiful land. Turned around and turned into a person and confessed her love to the princess. Originally the cow was the incarnation of Zeus.

The princess accepted Zeus's love, and the two lived together in heaven. Zeus named himself after the princess (Io) to commemorate the place where he confessed his love. That's the continent of Europe. The myth of Taurus is the only story that expresses the name of love.

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