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World News of the Corona Virus

The number of Corona infections in the world has reached 20 million. The U.S., Brazil, and half of the signs are marked.

The number of new coronavirus infections worldwide surpassed 20 million on Saturday, according to Reuters. Among them, the number of infections in the United States, Brazil and India accounts for more than half of the total. More than 730,000 people died from coronary infection. The number of coronal infections has increased from about half a year to 10 million since it was confirmed in the Chinese city of Muan in early January this year. It has since doubled to 20 million in just 43 days. By country, the U.S. has 5 million people, Brazil has 3 million, and India has 2 million. Infection in Russia and South Africa is also noticeable. In addition, infections in Latin America are increasing rapidly, with infections accounting for about 28 percent of the total and deaths accounting for more than 30 percent of the total.

 Many people feel that the leadership is only taking a very minimal approach to preventing the spread of the new Corona virus. Sat토 says, "While listening to the government, we cannot always accept the government's story as it is, depending on the situation." He points out that it is impossible to end all outings without working. Amid mounting complaints about the government's anti-virus, Japan seems to have been swept away by the expansion of new infections in the new Corona. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, more than 900 new infections a day have been reported in the past two weeks or so. The number of newly infected people reached 1,601, the highest number in the past. So far, the number of infections in Japan has reached 50,000 since the spread of the infection, more than half of which have been confirmed since July. The death toll stood at least 1,000. Most of the infected are focusing on Tokyo. In Tokyo, the world's most populous city, there is constant anxiety that unknown path infections may occur one after another and blockage may be impossible. Most of Tokyo in May and June was able to contain the daily number of new infections below 100. Since then, the number of infected people has continued to rise, and on August 1, the number of new infections has been confirmed, the highest in the past, 472 in a single day. So far, the number of infections in Tokyo has exceeded 15,000. Officials in Tokyo believe many cases of infection in the province occur when people go out at night. Therefore, restaurants and bars that offer alcoholic beverages are being asked to reduce business hours by as little as 10 p.m. and reduce the risk of infection in stores. The government has also expressed its plan to implement a significant amount of fiscal injection. It is spending more than 200 trillion yen to protect people's lives from the effects of the virus and preventing the economy from collapsing.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe acknowledged Thursday that he was not in a situation to declare an emergency. In fact, however, the number of confirmed infections is well above the days when the first declaration was made. The first emergency declaration lasted nearly seven weeks, which was announced in April. After saying the situation was quite different from then, Abe said, "I'm not immediately in a state of emergency, but I want you to be on high alert."Then he said. But like Izuka Soma, a 21-year-old college student, there are also critics of Abe. The reason is that political leadership is avoiding exercising it when it is most needed. If Abe doesn't just think about turning the economy around, Izuka insists. If we want to control the number of infected people and boost the economy, we need to compensate those who have no choice but to stay home and take a break." People like Sat토 and Izuka of all appeal to leaders that they must turn to more people's lives and individual happiness. Otherwise, they argue that they will discard the interim measures and carry out containment measures across all ranges. It also argues that the plan to spend about 1.6 trillion yen on travel promotion campaigns to revive the tourism industry goes against the government's response amid growing numbers of infected cities across the country. There are many people. Those in the pressure business are now forced to make difficult choices. Will the survival pose a potential health risk to customers and employees, but the authorities refuse to close at 10 p.m. or accept a drop in sales on demand, even if it is fatal to the business? Hirayama and Tokuharu continue to open stores in the middle of the spread. Still, the loss is huge. Sales fell 95 percent in April compared to last month. Then slightly recovered, but again in July. Most of the staff had to be laid off. Now there are days when I go into the store by myself. It also provides delivery services as a side job to cover expenses. Mr Hirayama says it will be in accordance with the ten o'clock closing request. The reason is pressure from the abscess mate. Nearby restaurants and bars are said to accept requests. The area where the store is located is very sensitive to what people around them think and even if they oppose it, says Mr. Hirayama. But Hasegawa Kou Zou does not give that flow (kumi). Hasegawa is the founder and Global Dining owns about 40 restaurants and shops in Japan. He is being evaluated for various ways of recognizing freedom and autonomy to employees known in the industry as risk-free restaurant managers. As for employees who have gained experience in the company, they also play a role by pressing their backs toward independence.

Hasegawa, who has been hit very hard by the Corona privateization business, explains that he has applied for several loan programs as well as many other business owners. The program was provided by public and private financial institutions as part of the government's economic assistance package. Hasegawa's idea cannot be said to be justified by the government's new 10 p.m. closing rule. This is because there is no strong virus infection between midnight and after 10 p.m. when the bar closes. Hasegawa asks if she will continue to take it after 10 p.m. and why she will decide to take it after 10 p.m. Mr. Hasegawa, who is born with a strong anti-bone spirit. I challenge the trend of Japanese culture that I don't like and think it's natural to follow. We also say we have our own brains, and our store will continue to open until midnight. What Mr. Hasegawa's comments regarding compliance with the virus and living requests suggest is the concept of "self-reflection," known as Japan's cultural norms. It perceives eye-catching colorful behavior as wrong when the nation is in crisis. After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident, people spoke repeatedly. While it is possible to assess that there are places that are too inflexible to follow the rules of Japanese culture, what is important is that the whole society is not tainted by such a temperament. Kyle Cleveland, director of the Institute of Modern Asia at Temple University in Tokyo, points out: Excessive generalization is advised to be prudent. It is also true that Asian scholars define culture in their own way. In that case, we come to think that there is a very qualitative difference between Japan and other Asian countries (Mr. Cleveland) who pointed out that not only Japan but also the new Korona has relatively few infections, including countries such as Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, and Thailand. The common characteristics of these various societies are according to the rules, and "rules dominate society." According to Mr. Cleveland's opinion, it is because resistance and anger against the Japanese government are now visible, and the concept of self-reflection is suddenly losing its original place in Japanese culture. Rather, it indicates that people are moving forward to a new stage of living with the virus and becoming more active than before accepting the risk. "It's different from self-reflection that existed a month ago. It's no longer" (people) still practice social de-turning and wear masks.But they are realizing that they must be balanced. It is a balance between financial burden and quality of life. As a result, they are trying to enter society. "

a new type of corona virus in frozen food imported from China, processed for some export.

Gay, solidarity, China bought US 1,000,000 C$ F Dalian, Liaoning province, according to authorities, Dalian loading and unloading in the corona virus were detected in imported frozen seafood. Frozen seafood is imported from abroad at least three operators of the era, the virus can be attached to the exterior of the packed.. It is not clear where it came from. It is said that the rest of these seafood processed for export are stored in warehouses and not on the market. Solidarity officials declined to comment on details of whether processed goods have already been exported. A new type of corona virus is being detected in frozen shrimp imported from Ecuador in July in Dalian, an international trade port.

Corona virus, which has been in vogue in Japan since June, is a Tokyo strain.

A recent study found that a new type of coronavirus infection that has been spreading rapidly in Japan could be a Tokyo strain.

According to the Yomiuri Shimbun's report on the 8th, researchers at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases said, "The Corona virus with a new type of genetic arrangement has been spreading across the country since June. " announced. The researchers examined the relationship between changes in the coronary gene sequence and the speed of the epidemic, and concluded that since June, many of the pathogens held by coronavirus infections belong to a new type of outbreak in Tokyo. According to the paper, the Corona virus with European genetic sequencing was reported in various parts of the country in March this year, when the daily number of infections was less than 100. The newspaper explains that although it was in a state of calm at the end of May, a new type of virus suddenly appeared in Tokyo in mid-June and infections began to spread throughout Japan. In fact, the daily number of new infections in Japan's Corona has been on the decline since hitting 720 on April 11. However, the number of new patients has been increasing rapidly in Tokyo since late June. 1,605 patients were newly reported across Japan on Sunday, the highest number ever. As a result, the cumulative number of Japanese infected people increased to 46,611 in February this year, including 712 people aboard the cruise ship, a diamond princess who was anchored at the port of Yokohama. In particular, the number of infected people in Tokyo is remarkable. The previous day, 462 new infections occurred. The cumulative number of patients in Tokyo is 15,107, higher than the total number of confirmed cases in Korea (14,562).

China Detects New Corona in Packaging of Frozen Shrimps from Ecuador

[Beijing 12th (local time) - China's Central Television (CCTV) reported on Wednesday that a new type of corona virus was detected in a package of frozen shrimp from Ecuador, South America, at a restaurant in downtown Anhui. It was confirmed by the general inspection of local governments. It is said that the frozen shrimp purchased at the restaurant was stored in the freezer. In July, Chinese authorities suspended imports from three Ecuadorian producers after testing them for new corona. Ecuadorian authorities said Wednesday that one of them has obtained permission to resume exports from China.

Now watch out for corona chicken wings.China Detects Frozen Meat from Brazil

The Corona 19 virus was detected in frozen Brazilian chicken wings imported from Shenzhen, a city in Guangdong Province, China, Bloomberg reported on the 13th. 

In a statement, the Chinese authorities urged Shenzhen consumers to be extra careful when purchasing imported frozen foods. 

Previously, positive reactions to imported food in other cities were mainly detected in imported seafood packages, but this time more caution is required from the surface of the chicken wings, which are the food itself. The chicken was produced at the Aurora Alimentos plant in the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. 

The Chinese government said, "Virus tests on people who came in contact with the product and tests on related products were all negative." 

Earlier on the 11th, Yantai City in northern Shandong Province, China, said that the corona19 virus was detected in three samples of wrappers of imported frozen fisheries products. 

China's state-run television on Wednesday reported that a virus was detected outside of a package of frozen shrimp in Ecuador at a restaurant in Wuhu, Anhui Province, China, and reports surrounding frozen foods have been reported in China.

New Corona Vaccine Attention 7

Expectations are high that the development will proceed with the final clinical trial of the vaccine in an hourly period.

Currently, more than 150 new coronavirus vaccines are being developed worldwide. To get into the market as soon as possible, for example, the U.S. government is embarking on an "operational warp speed." This is aimed at generating $10 billion (about 1 trillion won) to develop a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine and supply 300 million doses by January 2021. The World Health Organization (WHO) is also making global efforts to supply 2 billion doses of vaccine by the end of 2021.

Every vaccine candidate's target performance is to instruct the immune system to prepare for defense. There are vaccines that kill and darken the corona virus itself, and some that use only a portion of the virus (protein or fragment). There are also transplants of the protein from the corona virus into other viruses that are less likely to develop or are unable to develop. Among those under development are the introduction of vaccines for some of the genes of the coronavirus, allowing human cells to produce the proteins of the coronavirus needed to temporarily stimulate the immune system. The duration of the vaccine to market is typically 10 to 15 years. The clinical trial of the vaccine has several steps. First of all, a first phase clinical trial that checks a small group of healthy people for safety and whether immune responses are triggered. The following Phase II clinical trials expand the target and evaluate the effectiveness of the vaccine, including those suffering from the disease or likely to develop. Instead of increasing the number of subjects to thousands in Phase III clinical trials, various people check the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. The vaccine is approved by regulators but in itself may take a long time. Even after approval, various barriers can be encountered in production and distribution. It's the same thing as whether production can be expanded to meet demand, which people will be given vaccines first, and how much it costs. Many vaccines also continue to be subject to research indefinitely, called Phase IV clinical trials.

Develops the world's first vaccine to create a "sustainable immunity" to the new Russian Corona virus.

Skepticism is spreading over the effect of Russia's announcement on Wednesday that it has developed the world's first vaccine to create a "sustainable immune system" against the new Corona virus.

The vaccine was linked to satellites launched by the Soviet Union in the 1950s and was named Sputnik. The country's President Vladimir Putin explains that the vaccine is safe and that one of his daughters has been vaccinated. Just according to the Russian Ministry of Health, clinical trials have not been completed, and the final phase for more than 2000 people is due to begin on the 12th. Western scientists are concerned about the pace of Russian vaccine development and hinted at the possibility of developers omitting some of the procedures. Tarik Jasarevic, a spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO), said he was in "close contact" with Russian health authorities, but expressed the view that the vaccine was not in the process of gaining WHO approval. "There is no known data about the quality, efficacy and safety of the Russian vaccine," a German health ministry spokesman said of the newspaper group RND. Russia plans to begin production of vaccines in September and inoculate medical workers. Kirill Dmitriev, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), pointed out that Russia's "disgraceful" purpose is part of its organized, carefully planned media attack on the vaccine allegations. The vaccine said it is already receiving more than 1 billion preorders from 20 countries. 

The treatment and vaccine of a new kind of corona.

· Dexamethasone: Reduced mortality

Dexamethasone of cheap and widely available steroids is commonly used in the treatment of allergic reactions or rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, etc.

The team studying the treatment of COVID-19 reported this month that the death rate of very heavy patients in the symptoms was reduced by about a third compared to that of general treatment.

However, it is not a special medicine. While the researchers believe that Dexamethasone can save the lives of one in eight patients with a ventilator, it is becoming clear that non-critical patients have little clinical benefit.

 · Remudecibiru: Benefits are only

At least two large-scale studies conducted in the U.S. have shown that the length of hospitalization for Remudecibirui COVID-19 patients of anti-virus drugs can be shortened.

A study published in May in the U.S. journal New England Journal of Medicine found that Remudecibiru, originally developed as a treatment for Ebola, was able to reduce patient recovery from placebo administration.

These findings are noteworthy, but the effects of medicine do not seem to be surprising. Average, the hospitalization period of the patient was shortened from 15 days to 11 days by Remudecibiru.

However, one study published in the British medical journal The Lancet notes that treatment of new coronavirus patients using Remudecibiru could not confirm "clear clinical benefit."

HIDO CLOQUEEN: Results vary.

Developed decades ago, the anti-malaria drug Hide Roxie chloroquin was highly praised by U.S. President Donald Trump as a miracle COVID-19 preventive medicine, but there is little scientific evidence that actually works as a cure.

British research group "RECOVERY" concluded that this month's Heath Roxy chloroquin was not helpful for patients with COVID-19.

In addition, a research paper was published in Lancet magazine claiming that Hide Roxy chloroquin not only does not work but also increases the risk of death. Based on this result, several clinical trials were temporarily suspended, but due to data problems, the paper was withdrawn.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that Hyde Roxy chloroquin is of some value as a precaution and could be shown in ongoing clinical trials.

Other treatment

In addition, tests are being conducted to investigate whether drugs developed for other purposes are being used as treatments for new coronavirus infections. According to Lancet magazine, more than 1,000 clinical trials have been conducted on dozens of drug treatments so far.

Among them are the most promising anti-retroviral drugs such as Lopinaviru and Ritonaviru, Clore Pro margin of anti-psychotic drugs, and To-series wards of immunosuppressants.

Some possibilities are suggested in clinical trials for plasma (final) taken from recovered patients.

74.3 million people died as of 8 p.m. on the 12th.

According to statistics compiled by AFP at 8 p.m. on the 12th, Japanese time, the death toll from the new Corona virus in the world rose to 743,199.

Since the first outbreak of the new virus in China at the end of December last year, at least 12,347,300 people have been confirmed to have contracted at least 2,0382,260 people in 196 countries and regions. The statistics are based on data collected by AFP branches across the country and information from the World Health Organization (WHO), which is expected to have more actual infections. In many countries, only people with symptoms or severe cases are tested. On the 11th, 6,605 new deaths and 259,064 new infections were announced worldwide. The largest increase in deaths was 1,274 in Brazil, followed by the United States with 1,110 and Mexico with 926. In the most damaging United States, 164,545 people have been killed and 5,141,879 infected so far, recovering at least 1,714,960 people. Brazil's next worst-hit country has seen 103,026 deaths and 3,109,630 infections, followed by Mexico (53,929 deaths, 492,522 infections), Britain (46,526 deaths, 312,789 infections), India (46,091 deaths, 2,329,638 infections). Belgium has the highest death toll per 100,000 people. England (69), Peru (65), Spain (61) and Italy (58).

Except for Hong Kong and Macao (Macau), the number of deaths announced in mainland China is 4,634; the number of infections is 84,737; and the number of recovery embroidery is 79,342. The number of deaths by region is 225,596 (infections 5,720,309), 214,083 (infections 3,409,484), 173,571 (infections 5,262, 2140) in the U.S. and Canada, 74,770 (infections 3,628,276), and 879 in the Middle East. The number of deaths and infections in each country is sometimes inconsistent with the difference in the results of the previous day's tally, as there are delays in correction and data publication by the authorities.

Disgraced Sweden's reversal of "collective infection" ... Infected people plummet by more than 80%.

The number of new infections has been rapidly decreasing in Sweden, which has been suffering from the new Corona virus. The number of newly infected people per day, which was around 1,000, recently dropped to less than 200. Sweden has been evaluated as attempting so-called "collective immunity" in lax quarantine guidelines that are different from other European countries in Europe. However, the patient was suffering from aftereffects of a sharp increase in the number of infected people and a series of deaths. However, Sweden's performance was surprisingly successful at a time when there are concerns over the spread of new corona in Europe, mainly in Spain and France. According to the international statistics site World O'Meter, Sweden's new coronavirus cases plunged more than 80 percent from 1,080 in the third week of June to 198 in the second week of August. There are various interpretations of this phenomenon. First of all, it is analyzed that some of the group's immune effects have just begun to appear. Anders Tenneru, an epidemiologist at Sweden's Public Health Bureau, said, "The recent rapid decline in the number of new infections is related to increased immunity in different parts of Sweden." Sweden's Public Health Administration estimates that Stockholm is close to mass immunity. British journalist Ross Clarke, who has written various analysis articles on Europe's quarantine measures, took the same stand in an article he wrote on The Telegraph on the 9th. "When signs of a second wave of the new coronavirus appeared in other European countries, there was a sharp drop in the number of infections in Sweden," Clarke said. "There is no long-term solution to the new Korona virus epidemic," he said. Some argue that turning the collective immunization policy back to a partial blockade is the opposite of what has reduced the number of infected people. Sweden has been stepping up quarantine measures since the end of June, the summer vacation season, and the recent drop in the number of infected people is also just the effect of these new quarantine measures. "Sweden is no longer a country that pays attention to the new Korona virus," the Financial Times said on Tuesday. Rather, quarantine regulations are stronger in Europe than in France, Austria and Norway. Virus scholar Lina Einhong pointed out that the decrease in the number of infected people "is far from the level of collective immunity, regardless of the group immunity." Furthermore, he stressed that Swedish masks should be mandatory and should follow international trends, such as finding and isolating everyone who has come into contact with infected people. The World Health Organization (WHO) strongly opposes collective immunization on July 29. The WHO warned of the danger, saying, "If we wait until the antibody retention rate increases, many people will die and hospital work will be paralyzed."

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