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The light that saved my husband.

Heat of large and small fishing boats, a small fishing village, located in the donghae.
I went out to sea early in the morning to catch fish.
But in the afternoon, the weather suddenly changed and a storm came.
It's getting dark, the waves are getting stronger, and the fishing boats are coming back.
It wasn't. It was then. "Fire! Fire!" Built in a remote part of the beach.
A cabin caught fire. But all the powerful generals are going to eat meat.
They're out there, and there's only women left in the house.
I couldn't catch the burning fire. They're just dazed.
I only looked at the flames.
 Nightmare night passed and morning came. The weather is as clear as a lie.
The fishermen who went to the sea of Keigo returned safely one by one. all night long
All the worried families were greeted by fishermen with joy. But only
One house, the wife of the house where the fire broke out last night, crying in her husband's arms.
I hugged him. "Honey! We're screwed. Hahaha..." When my wife cried, she was on the boat.
My husband, who just got off, was puzzled by the unknown. "Last night, my house was on fire.
Burned to ashes."
 But the husband, who heard his wife, didn't seem surprised at all.
He fell into deep thought, smiled and patted his wife on the back.
"It's all right, let's thank heaven for setting my house on fire."
"No, thanks?" The wife looked at her husband's face and looked puzzled.
asked, "Last night, our fishing boat was like a hideous, indistinguishable.
When I wandered in the dark, I found my way to the harbor.
There was a light. It was my house burning in the fire."
                                                         a wise fool/boseong

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