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an ugly couple

I've always been attracted to my fine looks, and I've been so free to carve my face.
There was a friend. And thanks to the high-tech make-up,
Maybe that's why it looks a little better.
She kept saying she was nice to me, asking about her appearance.
He had a girlfriend.
They were always there, but they couldn't buy anyone's envy.
Even friends who don't have a decent girl.
I used to whine that I'd rather be alone.
A pretty girl isn't a man's ability.
I always said that the heart comes before the appearance.
Somewhere in the middle of the bathroom, in love with them.
I may have cast my shallow yardstick inwardly.
Then one day, when he went to the army,
more distorted than their appearance.
I could get a glimpse of our hearts. You're serving your single mother.
Would it hurt to love him?
You're born a man, and you don't think it's important to go to the army.
with a friend who is visibly pouting.
He's got enough room to fill in.
Warm advice, letting go of the tears.
I'm not going to forget a word, but I'm going to look after her.
Their love, more beautiful and noble than O-Henry's novels, than jealousy.
I was able to watch with a heart close to envy.
And I could say something new.
Thousands and hundreds of attention, approach, focused on pretty looks.
More than a vague name for love, pouring out of a single person.
The life of a humble man is all the more meaningful.
It's something that can be colored...

- Author Baek Seung-woo. -

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