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Showing posts with label Emotional. Show all posts

the term of validity of an appointment

It happened when Tolstoy went on a trip.
I was passing a quiet country road, about seven years old.
a cute girl staring at the picture
Dunny pulled her mother's collar. The child
You've been talking to your mom for a while.
At last he burst into tears. I overheard it.
The girl saw the lily he had around his waist.
I wanted to have a bag that was placed.
Tolstoy approached the girl quietly.
"Honey, it must be hard, but wait until tomorrow.
Tomorrow, this bag will be useless to me.
I'm sure you'll get this bag back then.
I'll give you a present. Here you go. Stop crying..."Tolstoy's.
She stopped crying quickly because of her kindness, and she promised.
The anticipation of the event turned red.
In fact, to Tolstoy, the bag is very precious.
It was a relic of a relative.
And the bag contains his books and other travel needs.
It was full of things. The next evening,
Tolstoy went back to the country to keep his promise.
I came back to visit the girl's house on purpose.
But when I got to the girl's house, I just found out that she had a funeral
People who seem to have come back from their work here and there.
I saw it. I asked the girl's mother yesterday.
After she broke up with Tolstoy and came home, she said,
Suddenly he died of a nameless disease."
Tolstoy showed the girl's mother to the cemetery.
I asked him to do it. When he arrived at the cemetery, he said,
Serve the precious bag you brought to your grave, solemnly.
I prayed. "Now that he's dead, I need a bag.
No. Thank you, but take it." Next to me.
The girl's mother, who was watching, looked sorry.
Say it like this."No, she's dead, but she's still alive.
Promise is not dead yet."Tolstoy.
Hot tears flowed from the eyes of his mother.

Kind of love

In the world...
There are two kinds of love.

The love that comes true,
Unfulfilled love...

Which love is more precious?
Which love is more deeply imprinted on your heart?
I can't tell you.

I want to weigh the value of that preciousness.

We meet with difficulty even though it's true.
And then again,
It's really hard to feel love.

But, uh,
The other person's heart becomes mine.
When I feel like I've really become my love,
It's too easy.
It's too light.
with one's heart trembling
To be the love that comes true.
You forget about the tears you used to cry about.
Like you're suffering from some kind of amnesia.

What if...
If you become a love that doesn't come true,
Maybe for a longer time,
You'll remember that love.

It was love that I really wanted to achieve,
in the end, by parting
With love that had to be fulfilled,
It's so heart-deep and heart-rending...

We're... Maybe.
You may hope that love will not come true.

Ten years later,
Twenty years later,
You may want to be eternal.

When it comes to it,
too easily
The preciousness of your love
Soon, I'll forget.It's a horse.

Love is
It has to be... it has to come true.
I decided not to think about it.

It's an unfulfilled love.
Even if it's a little hard,

Today... even if you're crying,
For a long time, for a very long time...

sorrow and regret
It runs through the heart.
It's because I might live with more comfort.


Do you want to love someone else?

 Then love yourself first.

 To give someone something

 To have something of it's something.

 When love blooms from your heart

 You're already experiencing a new meeting.

 Do you want to leave a masterpiece?

 Then learn love first.

 Hate teaches destruction, but love learns creation.

 In a life that's easy to live in ruins.

 Love comes over the waves like hope, and it causes the collapse.

 To make your best masterpiece

 Learn true love today.

 Do you want to experience miracles?

 Do you believe in miracles in your life today?

 The mystery of love is always beyond everyday life.

 Joy is Wings

 Sadness is love

 But love is always a miracle.

 Are you looking for blue birds?

 Rain and sunshine for a beautiful rainbow to stand

 To be sung a beautiful song, as both are necessary

 Just as there should be harmony and tune.

 Love requires patience and dedication.

 a person who misses being seen.

 But the love that is not in sight.

 Do you miss your new meeting?

 Sometimes love is abstract.

 Like a table of other people that doesn't feel real at all.

 Do you ever feel the pain of falling apart?

 But love is the greatest joy.

 If you don't want to be stained with dirt,

 Today, you'll be thrilled to see love.

 Would you like to start anew?

 The light that shines the farthest is the brightest at hand.

 The blue area of the sky is larger than the clouds.

 Spread your bowl wide with love

 Get up and look the furthest as if you're running at dawn.

 Happiness depends on the power of love.

 Love needs practice like a violin

 Have love for a new start day.

an ugly couple

I've always been attracted to my fine looks, and I've been so free to carve my face.
There was a friend. And thanks to the high-tech make-up,
Maybe that's why it looks a little better.
She kept saying she was nice to me, asking about her appearance.
He had a girlfriend.
They were always there, but they couldn't buy anyone's envy.
Even friends who don't have a decent girl.
I used to whine that I'd rather be alone.
A pretty girl isn't a man's ability.
I always said that the heart comes before the appearance.
Somewhere in the middle of the bathroom, in love with them.
I may have cast my shallow yardstick inwardly.
Then one day, when he went to the army,
more distorted than their appearance.
I could get a glimpse of our hearts. You're serving your single mother.
Would it hurt to love him?
You're born a man, and you don't think it's important to go to the army.
with a friend who is visibly pouting.
He's got enough room to fill in.
Warm advice, letting go of the tears.
I'm not going to forget a word, but I'm going to look after her.
Their love, more beautiful and noble than O-Henry's novels, than jealousy.
I was able to watch with a heart close to envy.
And I could say something new.
Thousands and hundreds of attention, approach, focused on pretty looks.
More than a vague name for love, pouring out of a single person.
The life of a humble man is all the more meaningful.
It's something that can be colored...

- Author Baek Seung-woo. -

What if...

If anyone blames you for losing their reason,
If you can keep your cool,
If everyone doesn't believe you,
If you can trust yourself and embrace their doubts,
If you wait and don't get tired of waiting,
If you are deceived and do not answer by deception,
If you are hated and do not hate,
And if you don't pretend to be too good, too wise,

If you can dream and not be a slave of dreams,
If you can think but not target your thoughts,
If you meet Victory and Disaster,
If I could treat these two crooks equally,
When I saw the things that you've devoted your life to falling apart,
If I could pick up the old tools and rebuild them,
If the heart, nerves, and tendons are worn out,
All I have left is the will to say "butira."
If you can still hold out,

If you don't lose your virtue while talking to many people,
If you can walk with the kings and not be arrogant,
If an unforgivable minute,
If you can fill it with a 60-second run,
Then this world and everything in it will be yours.
And only then will you become an adult!

Mental attitude

First, when you look at something, you should think about whether you're wronged it.

Second, when you hear something, you think you need to understand it correctly.

Third, always think that you should have a gentle face.

Fourth, always think that appearance should be careful and dignified.

Fifth, think that words should be done with sincerity.

Sixth, think you should be careful when carrying out your work.

Seventh, when confronted with a question, think that you should ask a knowledgeable person.

Eighth, when you are angry, think calmly about the consequences of the future.

Ninth, when you find something profitable, think about whether it makes sense.

Lincoln's Wisdom

Lincoln's Wisdom: In his youth, Lincoln was so poor that he had no transportation fees.

                There were many days of walking.

                But one freezing cold day, a blizzard,
                He stopped a passing carriage and said, "I'm going to Springfield.

                Please carry my coat."

                When the horseman takes off his coat, he gets cold and worries about what to do.

                Asked grudgingly, Lincoln said.

                "I want you to put my body in this coat and carry it with you.

                Please give it to me."

I don't know how you felt...
  If you've been through something like this, how can you do that?
  It would be better if you thought about what you'd done, wouldn't it?

The light that saved my husband.

Heat of large and small fishing boats, a small fishing village, located in the donghae.
I went out to sea early in the morning to catch fish.
But in the afternoon, the weather suddenly changed and a storm came.
It's getting dark, the waves are getting stronger, and the fishing boats are coming back.
It wasn't. It was then. "Fire! Fire!" Built in a remote part of the beach.
A cabin caught fire. But all the powerful generals are going to eat meat.
They're out there, and there's only women left in the house.
I couldn't catch the burning fire. They're just dazed.
I only looked at the flames.
 Nightmare night passed and morning came. The weather is as clear as a lie.
The fishermen who went to the sea of Keigo returned safely one by one. all night long
All the worried families were greeted by fishermen with joy. But only
One house, the wife of the house where the fire broke out last night, crying in her husband's arms.
I hugged him. "Honey! We're screwed. Hahaha..." When my wife cried, she was on the boat.
My husband, who just got off, was puzzled by the unknown. "Last night, my house was on fire.
Burned to ashes."
 But the husband, who heard his wife, didn't seem surprised at all.
He fell into deep thought, smiled and patted his wife on the back.
"It's all right, let's thank heaven for setting my house on fire."
"No, thanks?" The wife looked at her husband's face and looked puzzled.
asked, "Last night, our fishing boat was like a hideous, indistinguishable.
When I wandered in the dark, I found my way to the harbor.
There was a light. It was my house burning in the fire."
                                                         a wise fool/boseong

"My father thinks I'm..."at

When I was four years old: Dad could do anything.

When I was five years old: Dad knew a lot.

When I was six years old: Dad was smarter than other kids' dads.

At the age of eight: Dad didn't know everything exactly.


When I was 25 years old: Dad knows a little about it. The only thing that can't be helped is,
              Because you've had a lot of experience with it!

When I was thirty: Maybe you should ask my father's opinion.
          He's got a lot of experience.

When I was 35 years old: I didn't do anything until I asked my father.

When I was forty: I often think about what my father would have done at times like this.
          My father is as wise and has so much experience in the world.
When I was fifty: I would do anything if my father was with me now and could tell you all this. 
        I regret not knowing how wonderful my father was.
        I could have learned more from my father, but I couldn't.

 ---- Ann Landers-- Out of 101 open-minded stories -----

Let's show off my weakness.

I'm not feeling well.
 However, I know that health is more important than anyone else.
 So I always pray for the health of my family and friends.

       I don't have any wealth.
 But I don't blame anyone.
 Poverty becomes rich if you try, but rich people will always be rich or poor.

       I don't have much knowledge.
 I don't have an academic background or a special license, but I live in the world.
 I think power is wisdom rather than knowledge.
 I will always build knowledge for wisdom in a sincere manner.

       My weakness is my medicine.

60 Years of Love

The more beautiful love is, the more harsh is fate? A brief encounter that came after nearly 60 years of waiting. And eternal parting. A Greek grandmother, who passed away at the age of 80 last month, is wetting the hearts of all Europeans.
 Angeliki Stratigou.  The grandmother passed away with two postcards ending in Italian, "Amorese Semfre (Eternal Love)" on her chest. "I waited for you with great love," she said in the minutes before she died."
 Time goes back to August 1941. The so-called Luigi Surache, a 20-year-old Italian soldier, is sent to Patrai, a beautiful port city in the northwest of the Peloponnesian Peninsula in Greece. While marching, Luigi asks Angeliki Stratigou, who was sitting in front of the house, for directions.
 The virgin's big black eyes were attractive. a courteous and affectionate officer The two could not help but be attracted to each other. He noticed that the droop who taught him the way was tired of hunger and handed out the food he had. Luigi went to her house with food on his hands three days away. Louis learned Greek and Angeliki learned Italian.
 short happiness But this happiness ends with Italy's surrender in 43. Louis, who had to return home in a hurry, sought Angeliki and begged him to let him hold his hand. But afraid that anyone else would see her dating an enemy officer, she finally refused. Instead, the trembling voice quietly nodded to Luigi's proposal of marriage after the war.
 After the war, Louis returned to his hometown of Lexio Calabria in southern Italy. There, Louis kept posting letters to Angeliki. She was living in her aunt's house at that time. But the aunt, who refused to admit her nephew was dating the enemy, intercepted the letter and removed it. After continuing to send echoesless letters, Luigi finally decided to forget her on the day of the thousandth day.
 Louis got married soon. A normal life with a son continued. But when his wife passed away in 1996, a faint shadow of old love resurrected in his heart. He wrote a letter to Patrai's mayor, who, with the help of reporters from the local Sky Broadcasting Company, found Angeliki, who was still living in the city.
 "I knew this day would come one day," said Angeliki, who heard the news. Upon receiving Angeliki's call, Luigi covered his face and cried endlessly. That's because she knew she had been single all her life, still believing in the promise of nearly 60 years old.
 A touching reunion was held on St. Valentine's Day in February last year.
During his visit to Patrai, Luigi proposed again in a quivering voice, and Angeliki accepted with a overwhelming heart. Louis was 77 years old and Angeliki was 79.
 Luigi and Angeliki's sweet plan to spend half a year in Greece and Italy, respectively, became a dream when Angeliki was sick and left for heaven. The death date was on January 9, two weeks before the wedding, which was scheduled for Jan. 23.
 Luigi is still unaware of her death. He himself was hospitalized because he was sick, and he kept it a secret around him. I understand that the wedding has been postponed.  Even now, every Saturday morning, he picks up a pen and writes a postcard that ends with "Eternal Love." Postcards are piling up in front of her grave.