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Do you want to love someone else?

 Then love yourself first.

 To give someone something

 To have something of it's something.

 When love blooms from your heart

 You're already experiencing a new meeting.

 Do you want to leave a masterpiece?

 Then learn love first.

 Hate teaches destruction, but love learns creation.

 In a life that's easy to live in ruins.

 Love comes over the waves like hope, and it causes the collapse.

 To make your best masterpiece

 Learn true love today.

 Do you want to experience miracles?

 Do you believe in miracles in your life today?

 The mystery of love is always beyond everyday life.

 Joy is Wings

 Sadness is love

 But love is always a miracle.

 Are you looking for blue birds?

 Rain and sunshine for a beautiful rainbow to stand

 To be sung a beautiful song, as both are necessary

 Just as there should be harmony and tune.

 Love requires patience and dedication.

 a person who misses being seen.

 But the love that is not in sight.

 Do you miss your new meeting?

 Sometimes love is abstract.

 Like a table of other people that doesn't feel real at all.

 Do you ever feel the pain of falling apart?

 But love is the greatest joy.

 If you don't want to be stained with dirt,

 Today, you'll be thrilled to see love.

 Would you like to start anew?

 The light that shines the farthest is the brightest at hand.

 The blue area of the sky is larger than the clouds.

 Spread your bowl wide with love

 Get up and look the furthest as if you're running at dawn.

 Happiness depends on the power of love.

 Love needs practice like a violin

 Have love for a new start day.

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