Amazon Prime Video는 2022년부터 버크셔의 Bray Studios에서 촬영을 시작했습니다.
Amazon Prime Video는 70년 이상 영화를 제작해 온 영국의 영화 스튜디오를 인수했습니다.
미국에 본사를 둔 이 회사는 2022년부터 버크셔의 브레이 스튜디오에서 촬영을 진행해 왔지만 이제 그 장소를 인수했습니다.
즉, 아마존이 해당 지역에 더욱 영구적인 입지를 확보하고 지역 경제를 활성화하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.
버크셔 필름 오피스를 운영하는 리소스 프로덕션의 제작 책임자인 레슬리-앤 맥팔레인은 "이 지역에 더 많은 기회와 흥미로운 일들이 생길 것"이라고 말했습니다.
게티 이미지
Rocky Horror Picture Show는 1974년 스튜디오에서 생생하게 만들어졌습니다.
그녀의 비영리 단체는 그 지역에서 작품이 제작되도록 도움을 줍니다.
그녀는 "이것은 사람들과 지역 사회, 그리고 그 지역에 대한 투자를 보여줍니다."라고 말했습니다.
맥팔레인 여사는 아마존이 앞으로 몇 년 안에 이 지역에서 입지를 더욱 확대하고 확장할 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.
크리스 앨런/지오그래프
스튜디오 중앙에는 18세기의 옛 영국 시골 주택이 있습니다.
브레이 필름 스튜디오
템스 강변에 위치한 브레이 필름 스튜디오는 런던 도심에서 불과 26마일(42km) 떨어져 있습니다.
18세기에 지어진 영국의 옛 시골집이 스튜디오 중심에 있습니다.
이 스튜디오는 1951년 이곳으로 이전한 해머 필름스의 본거지였습니다.
해머는 20년이 넘게 100편이 넘는 독특한 판타지와 공포 영화를 만들었습니다.
미라, 프랑켄슈타인의 저주, 드라큘라 등의 영화는 피터 쿠싱과 크리스토퍼 리 등의 배우가 출연하여 전 세계적으로 흥행에 성공했습니다.
리들리 스콧 감독은 1978년에 아카데미상 수상작인 SF 스릴러 '에일리언'의 미니어처를 이 스튜디오에서 제작하고 촬영했으며, 그로부터 몇 년 전인 1974년에는 컬트 고전 '록키 호러 픽쳐 쇼'가 이곳에서 제작되었습니다.
게티 이미지
드라큘라 역을 맡은 고인이 된 크리스토퍼 리 등의 배우가 출연한 영화가 스튜디오에서 나왔습니다.
아마존은 지난 2년 동안 Bray Studios에서 비디오 서비스 최대의 히트작을 제작했습니다.
반지의 제왕의 스핀오프 드라마인 '링스 오브 파워'나 '시타델'의 첫 번째 시즌 같은 제목들이 있습니다.
"Bray를 영국 내 크리에이티브의 본거지로 삼아, 우리는 세계적인 스토리텔러와 모든 종류의 크리에이티브 인재가 풍부한 영국 크리에이티브 커뮤니티와의 관계를 더욱 돈독히 하는 데 전념하고 있습니다." Prime Video와 Amazon MGM Studios의 책임자인 Mike Hopkins가 말했습니다.
그는 이렇게 덧붙여 말했습니다. "이렇게 유서 깊은 유산을 가진 스튜디오를 인수하면 영국에서 더 많은 영화와 텔레비전을 제작할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 제작 과정의 모든 단계에서 일자리와 기술 교육과 관련하여 지역 사회에서 많은 기회가 생깁니다."
Amazon's market cap surpassed $2 trillion for the first time. The British economic weekly magazine 'The Economist' reported that gifts were sent to Amazon, which celebrates its 30th anniversary on July 5th. The event hall gave a sense of the recent fever of generative AI innovation. Around 300 sessions were held simultaneously, and public sector cases of successful introduction of cloud-based generative AI were shared.
Dave Levy, Vice President of AWS Public Sector, is giving a keynote speech at the opening of 'AWS Summit 2024', a global cloud forum of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Washington D.C. on June 26. / Reporter Jeon Hyo-jin
“Why does Amazon offer a public cloud?” (Audience)
“We live in a complex and conflict-ridden world, and at Amazon, we want to listen to everyone’s voice.” (Dave Levy, Vice President of AWS Public Sector)
On June 26 (local time), as the Amazon Web Services (AWS) global cloud forum, 'AWS Summit 2024', opened at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C., a roar was suddenly heard from the audience of approximately 24,000 people. Dave Levy, Vice President of AWS Public Sector, announced the 'AWS Public Sector Generative AI Impact Initiative' that day, which will invest 50 million dollars (approximately 69.1 billion won) to help introduce generative AI in governments, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, medical institutions, and the aerospace sector, rather than private companies. Vice President Levy said, "Generative AI is a huge opportunity," and emphasized, "A solid foundation called the 'cloud' is important to seize this opportunity. (Public sector) leaders must recognize this huge movement and make the most of the benefits brought about by technological transformation."
On this day, Amazon's market cap surpassed $2 trillion (about 2,764 trillion won) for the first time. The British economic weekly 'The Economist' reported that gifts were flying into Amazon, which celebrated its 30th anniversary on July 5th. The analysis is that the market positively evaluated Amazon's journey of innovation relay, including e-book readers, smart speakers, video streaming services, self-driving car development, low-orbit communication satellite development, and cloud computing.
'AWS Summit 2024' was attended by approximately 24,000 public sector and agency officials from around the world. / Reporter Jeon Hyo-jin
Generative AI is a huge opportunity… Sharing successful adoption stories everywhere
The event hall on that day gave a sense of the recent generative AI innovation fever. Around 300 sessions were held simultaneously, and public sector cases of successful introduction of cloud-based generative AI were shared.
The Halo Trust, a non-profit organization that clears landmines, said, “We are using generative AI to analyze drones and satellite images to create minefield maps and practically use them for mine clearance,” adding, “We are flying high-resolution drones to collect information all at once and helping to clear mines so that the land can be reused.” Senior Assistant Secretary of the Army Young Bang said, “The Army’s greatest resource is people, and we are also the biggest consumer of AI algorithms.” “Whether it’s weapons imports or technology introductions, when we make risk-based decisions, we use generative AI to help us identify risks before reporting them to higher-ups.”
The strengths of AWS's cloud-based public sector generative AI service are customization according to individual situations and strong security. For example, the generative AI secretary 'Amazon Q' service answers questions and generates necessary content based on data uploaded to each cloud. The company explains that this is a service that is especially necessary in the public sector, which is trying to take care of security issues, as data external leakage is almost impossible.
Plus Point
Interview Dario Amodei, CEO of Antropic: “Differentiating from OpenAI with ‘Constitutional AI’… Democracy will be promoted”
Dario Amodei, CEO of Antropics, Stanford University, Ph.D. in Computer Science, former Baidu, Google, OpenAI Photo Antropics
“We are different from OpenAI because we are implementing ‘Constitutional AI.’ We are setting the future direction of generative AI based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, etc.”
Dario Amodei, CEO of Antropic, emphasized this at the 'AWS Summit 2024' held in Washington D.C. on June 27. He continued, "The goal is not simply to create a better LLM (Large Language Model), but to develop AI systems that allow people and software to collaborate in meaningful ways." Antropic is a startup founded in 2021 by siblings Daniela and Dario Amodei, who worked at OpenAI. The recently released Claude 3.5 Sonnet is evaluated to be superior to OpenAI's 'GPT-4o' in chart understanding and document understanding for performing multimodal (complex information processing) tasks. It has received about 4 billion dollars (about 5.5284 trillion won) in investment from Amazon so far. The following is a Q&A.
Why has the U.S. government recently become interested in AI companies?
“Entropic has a short history (3 years), but it has created a model with high capabilities and is strong in terms of safety and security compared to other companies. The government is curious about whether they can trust the answers provided by generative AI to politically sensitive questions. We said that we are applying ‘constitutional AI principles.’ This is a significant difference from OpenAI.”
How can ‘constitutional AI principles’ be realized?
“We design documents based on human values and ethics, such as the Constitution or the UN Declaration of Human Rights, to reflect social values and ethical standards in the process of AI learning or providing feedback. When generating text, we can filter out harmful or unpleasant content or set it to exclude unwanted topics or content. To do this, we conduct vulnerability tests quite a few times. We make the model itself recognize strange questions and not answer them. We test whether the model will yield or not when a criminal group such as a malicious hacker attempts to input data. In particular, since this year is an ‘election year,’ we conducted a lot of political vulnerability tests by outsourcing them to external parties.”
If you had any advice for public sector leaders considering adopting generative AI, what would it be?
“Government customers today are very interested in creating the future. If I were a government employee, I would start with a very simple point (introducing generative AI). It is a task that is constantly repeated, but is not simple enough to be easily automated, so it still requires human intervention. Let’s go back exactly two years ago. The parts that were thought to be impossible to automate at that time can now be automatically processed by generative AI. If you introduce generative AI when you want to quickly start a citizen service, you will be able to obtain powerful efficiency at low cost. If you change the parts that were difficult to do in the past, changes will occur on a large scale. There may be many concerns and worries, but the belief that AI can further enhance democracy is still valid.”
If we were to envision the future of generative AI in the public sector.
“I look forward to a future where citizens will quickly obtain most of their daily life information through AI chatbots. They will be able to access government services and interact with the government more quickly. I believe that AI will enhance democracy.”