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Why do humans need food?

Before we think about the role that food plays in humans, we don't know for a few days 
The question arises whether one can live without eating enough food.
  Records show that he continued fasting for 70 days, but in normal cases, 
If you fast for 50__60 days, you'll faint.
  Fasting breaks down glycogen accumulated in the liver or muscles, but still, 
Lack of protein can break down again and use it as an energy source.
  When you're in this state, you're losing weight, and 40 percent of your original weight. 
It is said that losing one's life becomes dangerous.
  As you can see from this, we've got a lot of food in our minds. 
It's not just about getting the energy that's needed for activity, it's about getting the life. 
a fundamental source of energy to maintain and grow the components. 
It's an act.
  It's called digestive absorption while food enters the mouth and passes through all kinds of digestive organs. 
Through the process, various nutrients are absorbed and preserved in the body.
  Protein is a must in everyday metabolism. 
Of course we're consumed because we're constantly working on our bodies. 
I am going.
  I've been making up for this little by little every day, but I've been restoring this body. 
Protein is an indispensable nutrient for maintaining good health.
  This is especially true in the period of vigorous growth in tissue production, rather than consumption.
  Also, the most essential source of calcium and energy for the formation of the skeleton. 
an easy-to-use form of sugars, or lipids, a very dense source of energy, above them. 
any of several chemical reactions in the body or minerals that act on muscles or nerves. 
What we eat as food, vitamins and other foods that act as catalysts, we eat life. 
It is essential to maintain good condition. heavily exercised 
Next time, you tend to fall into a strong hunger.
  It's like working out for a long time, and it's only the energy that's accumulated in the muscle itself. 
Instead, it carries energy accumulated in other parts of the body.
  Then, send a sign saying, "The storage's out of stock." It supplies energy. 
I command you to leave it. This is the feeling of hunger.
  Among other things, lack of sugar or lipid is called hunger and directness. 
It is known that there is a relationship.