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What is the power to move the body?

Orders to move the body are coming from the outside, but they're either running, walking, or using their hands. 
It is the muscles that are driving the movement of holding or eating.
  There are more than 400 named muscles in the muscle, but they're able to move by will. 
The lateral sclerosis, called veterinary muscle, and the autonomic nerve are controlled and can be moved by will. 
It is largely divided into smooth muscles called invincible muscles.
  The lateral sclerosis is mainly the skeletal muscle attached to the bone, but it cannot be moved by its own will. 
The heart is also made of lateral sclerosis as an exception.
  Smooth muscles are the main internal muscles that make walls of the stomach, intestines, bladder, uterus, and blood vessels.
  The lateral sclerosis is a slender, elongated set of glandular cells, and is called the myeloid gland.
  If you look at the root oil under an electron microscope, there is a lot of it that is thinner.
  This is called source oil.
  It is again made of numerous filaments.
  Each filament is made up of a bunch of chain-shaped proteins, which are actmiosins and are becoming a unit of contraction.
  Muscle movement is caused by this contraction.
  Muscle contraction requires energy, but the energy is stored in a substance called adenosinephosphoric acid (ATP) in the musculoskeletal cells, and when this substance decomposes, 
It releases a lot of energy.
  ATP is made in parallel when glucose is decomposed.
  ATP takes one high-energy phosphoric acid bond off to make a substance called ADP, which is combustion residue.
  This combustion residue, ADP, obtained the phosphoric acid supplied by creatine phosphoric acid, and soon became the original. 
It is to return to fuel ATP fuel.
  But neither ATP nor ADP need oxygen. 
  "When you exercise, you breathe hard, and you eat a lot of oxygen." 
To produce other forms of energy by burning glycogen or glucose with oxygen in the muscles.
  This energy is stored as ATP and then again as creatine phosphoric acid.
  In long-distance marathons, there's a lot of energy consumed, so there's no storage 
They are actively producing ATP and creatine phosphoric acid by inhaling oxygen at the same time as breathing.