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Why do humans grow old?

The human body is made of enormous cells.
  Some of these cells divide into new cells or die out of old age.
  When the rate of proliferation of cells is faster than the rate of apoptosis of cells, it grows, and vice versa. 
If death is fast, aging atrophy occurs.
  Aging also varies in progress depending on each part, and so does the individual.
  There is much in rapid aging.
  By the end of pregnancy, it becomes a structure of old age.
  A chest tube behind the sternum, at the end of childhood, becomes atrophied.
  Eyesight and hearing are also slowly declining from the age of 20.
  The eye's control becomes weak and becomes presbyopia due to the deterioration in the elasticity of the lens. 
The hearing can also be heard by internal and external corty organs, cochlea neurotransmitters, etc. 
Deactivation causes hearing loss.
  The body's ability to balance itself or balance itself because of decreased muscle strength and weakened motor perception. 
The reflexes become dull.
  The bones lose elasticity of the joints, and the bones themselves are weakened by a decrease in protein content.
  The aging of the circulatory system is caused by an increase in blood pressure, a hyperplasia of the heart, and arteriosclerosis.
  Lung capacity decreases from around the age of 20, tooth loss becomes easier, and the acidity of gastric fluid is also important. 
Decrease in digestion.
  Sexual function is debilitated by atrophy of the sex lines, decreased sex hormones, but individual differences 
It can be said to be severe.
  The aging of mental function is slow compared to other parts of the body, but the degradation of memory. 
It gets worse.
  However, judgment and reasoning power become more active in old age.
  As such, aging is faster than the rate at which cells die. 
Each donation is degraded and becomes an aging phenomenon.
  It's also a bit of a literary expression, but the flames of life burning in the cell also burn. 
Leave the gas behind, and when the combustion gas accumulates, the flames of life become difficult to burn. 
There is also an expression that aging occurs.
  What is combustion gas, and how can we not leave combustion gas behind? 
The biochemical explanation of whether or not it would be a science of anti-aging.
  In order to prevent aging, for example, to reduce muscle weakness, muscles are activated. 
You must hasten your metabolism.
  Aging is sure to come.
  How much you can live your life in that ageing state of mind. 
It will be yours.