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Why do humans have feelings?

A person cries when he is sad, joyous when he or she is happy, or smiles, etc. 
Have feelings.
  It's a passive activity that runs inside of you, and it's called emotion. 
Unlike what's used to describe him as emotional, emotions are. 
It is an activity necessary for humans to live.
  the body of the sentimental, refreshing, languid, etc. of feeling, such as discomfort, anger, fear, etc. 
a vital thing, joy, sorrow, anguish, discontent, shame that is closely related to the condition. 
There is such a spiritual thing as the back, the earth-clothes, the ecstasy, etc.
  These feelings become physical expressions as they get worse.
  Anger speeds up the heart's beating, hard breathing, high blood pressure. 
Blood collects in the head, pupils open, muscles in the whole body tense. 
It's something that can be expressed.
  Feelings of relief are the opposite.
  That is, in anger, we are prepared to release energy for attack. 
In Ando, energy accumulation can be seen as taking place.
  However, these physical expressions can be suppressed by consciousness to some extent.
  You give up, you turn your mind to the other side, but this self-regulation is the right thing to do. 
Emotional expression is determined whether or not it works.
  So, why are emotions expressed so much?
  This is caused by cerebral stimulation, where the location of the emotion is dependent on the type of emotion. 
It changes.
  Anger is the movement of the mind linked to the instinctive desire as an animal, the cerebral cortex. 
Occurs in the cerebral infarction system
  When this area is stimulated, it creates feelings of anger.
  Sorrow comes when the desire is not satisfied, and the feeling of joy or joy is. 
It happens when the desire is satisfied, and in such human feelings as this, the cerebral. 
The frontal range plays an important role.
  So, the stimulation of the cerebral region creates emotion, but it's not. 
Whether physically expressed or suppressed, there are several different types of self-regulation in each person. 
  However, if you over-control it, you'll feel uncomfortable, discontent, crying, or laughing. 
Physical expression is also possible because work releases energy and can make you feel calm. 
It's important.