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Why is human blood red?

Blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the entire body to remove carbon dioxide. 
Not only is it an important medium of internal respiration, but also the transport of nutrients or the removal of waste in the body. 
exchange of substances between tissue fluids, through capillary walls, such as salt or moisture control 
It works by giving proper conditions to tissue cells through the back.
  This blood is as red as you can see when it's bleeding through a wound, etc. 
There is.
  The blood is largely divided into red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and blood cells. 
It is divided into plasma, a fluid that is floating.
  Among them, the number of red blood cells is about 5 million (adult men) in a cubic meter. 
high in hemoglobin, called hemoglobin in it. 
That's why the blood looks red.
  The combination of oxygen and carbon dioxide in this hemoglobin has resulted in efficient transportation. 
It's becoming possible. You can say that you are the main player in breathing in the blood.
  Meanwhile, white blood cells contain about 7,000 of the 1 millimeter cubicle, and they can be found in vitro. 
It is responsible for preventing infections that kill invading germs, or for being involved in immune responses.
  The platelets contain about 20__600,000 units of blood platelets in a cubicle. 
as a clotting action with a kind of protein called fibrinogen, in haemostasis. 
play an important role
  Like this, blood is called blood, which supplies oxygen or nutrients to each part of the body. 
Because I'm in charge of it, if it goes down or something goes wrong, the disease will soon become a problem 
  The closest diseases are many anemia in young women.
  The disease called anemia is not a lack of blood in the body itself, but rather a lack of blood. 
A lack of hemoglobin, which leads to incomplete oxygen supply to the body tissues. 
I'm talking about the state.
  When tissue becomes oxygen-deficient, it turns pale, and the heart's beating is worse than usual. 
It gets worse or short of breath.
  This hemoglobin is a kind of protein, in the case of adult males. 
It says 14__16g of 1 decirator and 12__15g of women are required. This figure is... 
Less than 10g is anemia.
  In the body, metabolism is always creating new hemoglobin, at this time. 
Iron is indispensable.
  Women with anemia, especially if they don't eat vegetables that contain a lot of iron. 
Here's the reason why not work.