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What is the human body made of?

Not only are we humans, but what we call life on this planet is more than 20 years old. 
Once upon a time, organic matter in the atmosphere flowed into the sea with rain. 
It's piled up, and there's a lot of chemical reactions going on in the ocean where the concentration of the organism has increased 
Slowly, it's the basis of the polymer, from the completion of the primitive nucleic acid and protein. 
It is thought to have started.
  How much time it takes to say it's the time of the Earth? 
From what we think is five billion years of history, three billion years is actually a time limit on this planet. 
You can also imagine the fact that there was no living thing as life.
  ground from nucleic acids and proteins floating in the sea, also known as the mother of all this life. 
The first 'life' was born.
  The position that we are in amniotic fluid in the mother's womb as a fetus, 
It is reminiscent of life in the sea.
  From the birth of our new life to the process of development, it's called system development. 
It can be explained if you feel the way.
  In other words, the human race has changed a bit from ancient times to today. 
It's just that we feel it's called the phylogenesis. 
It's not that it applies, it's genetic, because of acquired adaptation. 
It is often hidden).
  This sea, not only is it just right for the birth of life, but it's also... 
It was also optimal for biostasis.
  In other words, it had a very large buffer against changes in the external environment.
  Air temperature rise, low drop effect, and strong radiation is coming down to 1 meter. 
It was said that the water was mostly absorbed into the water layer.
  However, as the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere slowly increases, the ozone layer is in the upper atmosphere. 
As the power of UV rays, which had been on the ground due to their appearance, weakened, living things became a bar. 
It began to rise from the inside to the land.
  When you come up to land, of course, you face a variety of changes and intense weather conditions. 
In order to protect the body from this terrible environment, life has a large amount of moisture in the body. 
He tried to have a stable internal environment by accepting it.
  The human body contains moisture equal to 70 percent of its body weight.
  This protects the environment in the body from the differences in hannan, etc., and is the first to do so. 
It is working effectively.
  But, of course, it's not watery in our bodies, it's just our bodies. 
It contains this moisture within and between cells.
  I don't know the exact number of these cells, but I think it's about 30 degrees. 
There is.
  But the collection of the same kind of cells is called tissue, and all sorts of tissues. 
A few are gathered together to form an organ (organ).
  The human body has various organs, each of which plays its own role. 
The most important organ among them is soy sauce, 1300__1500g for adult males.
  The funny thing is, these organs aren't always running at full capacity, but they're quite a bit. 
It means that you have some leeway in your ability. For example, one organ with one left and one left, 
A single kidney, lung, adrenal glands, etc. can live once.
  Cysts, ovaries, etc. function normally on just one side.
  Also, the liver, pancreas, and thyroid gland are said to be able to survive with only a fraction of them.
  You can think of these as spares, not unnecessary, just in case. 
There is.
  Blood is the only thing that must be forgotten.
  This is not just a liquid, but recently it has been considered one of the organs.
  The amount of blood, on average, is about one-third of the body's weight.
  So if you're a human being weighing 65 kilos, you've got five kilos of blood in your body. 
They say there is.
  A large amount of bleeding, such as trauma, can lead to a life-threatening condition, which is roughly. 
One-third of the total was confirmed by animal testing.
  It's called microcosmos, and it's called the body of each of us. 
Doing is overflowing with mysterious mechanisms comparable to the mysteries of the universe.