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How do men and women happen?

Except for lower life forms such as amoebas and bacteria that multiply by division. 
All living things, including plants, mammals, birds, and fish, that live in the world. 
Now, Woong, or a man and a woman, has kept seeds alive by fertilizing sperm and eggs.
  In the old days, the word yinyang was also used in Chinese yanghak.
  yin and yang is the flag with two opposing properties, the harmony of all things, the foundation of creativity. 
I'm saying it's possible.
  The single sheep means man, the yin means woman, and they mate and deliver their offspring. 
represent something by reason
  A man who earns his family's livelihood and consumes his mind and body under harsh conditions. 
Increased stress is also associated with shorter life spans.
  On the other hand, the reason why women can live longer is physical, but it's unique to women. 
It seems that a hormone called estrogen is involved greatly.
  So, how do men and women come about, it's because of sex chromosomes? 
It's to be decided.
  The sex chromosome has X and Y chromosomes, and when X chromosomes and Y chromosomes combine, 
Men (XY) and X-chromosomes combine to make women (XX).
  The crystal begins to combine X and Y chromosomes.
  Sperm initially has 44 phase chromosomes and two sex chromosomes of X and Y. Ee 
The sperm split up and had 22 phase chromosomes X chromosomes and 22 phase chromosomes plus Y chromosomes. 
Divided into sperm.
  Meanwhile, oocytes that become eggs have 44 phase chromosomes and 2 X-rays. 
There is.
  It also divides into 22 hieroglyphics plus X eggs.
  This egg combines sperm with X or Y chromosomes to create a fertilized egg.
  When the sperm of the Y chromosome fertilizes the egg X chromosome, it becomes a man (XY). 
When the sperm of the X-chromosome fertilizes, it becomes female (XX). the sexes of men and women at this time. 
It's to be decided.
  The ratio is usually five to five, which is truly the exclusion of heaven.