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Why can humans talk?

Speaking is a characteristic of humans, expressing thoughts, feelings, and opinions. 
It is also an act of understanding.
  Even animals other than humans are carrying it out with a cry, but with horses... 
It's a long way off.
  Also, the message has very little meaning.
  According to the person who observed the animal and examined its cry, the sound of the horse crying was made by the horse. 
There are about 30 kinds of monkeys and about 500 kinds of dolphins.
  I think there's the same level of language in other animals, but it's about risk. 
It's very simple to inform, call a colleague, or be limited to reproductive activity. 
It will.
  What's more, the sound of animals is the cry, the cry, the cry, the so-called human voice. 
It's different from language.
  If I could talk to a dog or a cat...Have you ever thought of something like a dream?
  If you are a pet lover, you must have thought about it once.
  However, this is a dream that can never come true.
  However, if you persevere and teach enough, you may learn a little, but this is... 
One-way, far from communication.
  Unlike other animals, humans have come to speak in groups. 
It's been a long time.
  To work together in a group, to form a society, to form a mutual. 
A communication method is needed.
  As a way of communicating among group members, words have been generated since then. 
I'm sure.
  In the simple human relationships of primitive times, it's simple to talk about, and it's also the capital. 
Less, but with the development of human intelligence, we can invent tools and complicate labor. 
I went
  As the population grows and the means of living improve, as well as by human power, 
The need to speak and its progress has been made.
  To briefly explain the structure of speaking next time, it is complicated to speak. 
A delicate brain structure is working.
  The center of the horse has a hearing range in what is called the cerebral cortex of the left cerebral cortex. 
The language ranges are closely allied with each other.
  The order of speech, first, is to listen to the other person's story (although the other person's words come into your ears, 
The ear is a simple transmitter, and the meaning of the word is completely unknown at this stage. 
It must be understood in the field of hearing.
  Once you understand what you're saying, you're going to tell them what you're trying to say in language. 
Assemble it and make it sound through the vocal organs, and deliver it to the other person in words.
  There are many functions in the brain that have international leadership, and this is what we need to do with each other. 
The act is completed by the good will of the contact.