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You should get married at times like this.

Do you ever want to love her again?
Do you have the confidence to do anything if she can be happy?
Do you have a desire to have a baby that looks more like her than a baby that looks like me?
What I want to do, what I want to eat, what I want to see,
Can you give up everything you want for her?
Ready to be a light in the dark, a lighthouse on the beach, and a star in the night sky?
If I'm in an accident and I can't go to her,
Can you wish her happiness with warm tears?
If she's in an accident and can't come to me,
Can I go by her side and be her eyes, her limbs?
If there's a person who thinks this way, you can think of marriage.
Don't you think the world has changed a lot these days?
Things that used to be difficult get easier.
It's getting harder when it's getting easier.
One day, I'll have someone like this.
Ah! And speaking of marriage,
One more thing.
Someone did it.
Marriage is a triangulation.
It's the same thing.
You know, a guy and a girl running with one foot tied?
That marriage is about when you tie your legs.
Of course it's easy to run alone.
But the wedding tied up her legs one by one, so she can't run well at first.
They fall. They fight a lot when they're newlyweds.
And as time goes by, we get hit.
It's worse than running alone, but you get used to it.
I'm not bored because I have someone to play with.
He said so.