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100 different ways of love

1. Don't keep me waiting.

                       2. Instead, I wait even if there is no end.

                       3. Don't talk about other girlfriends.

                       4. Not leaving you alone.

                       5. Not to lie.

                       6. Don't make excuses.

                       7. Meeting you in my dream.

                       8. Brag about you a lot to my friend.

                       9. Don't change the appointment as I please.

                      10. Don't make you cry.

                      11. No secrets from you enough to show my diary.

                      12. Write your name only when you scribble.

                      13. Get hit well even if you hit me.

                      14. If you get hit, say that it hurts but doesn't hurt at all.

                      15. Showing kindness with a toothbrush for the anniversary.

                      16. Don't forget to say I love you.

                      17. Come home and call you.

                      18. Thinking of you before bed.

                      19. Don't forget to say 'I'm happy because of you' even when I'm sad.

                      20. Trying to look better little by little.

                      21. I know how you changed.

                      22. Don't forget to say 'I'm happy because of you' when you're happy.

                      23. Don't eat faster than you.

                      24. Not to walk faster than you.

                      25. Watching you alone from behind when you climb the stairs... No... cover it up.

                      26. Don't change.

                      27. Don't doubt your mind.

                      28. Gift red gloves for Christmas.

                      29. Understand your back very well.

                      30. Don't compare yourself.

                      31. The one who belittles you should give me a friend.

                      32. Don't look tired in front of you.

                      33. Lend your shoulders when you cry because you're tired.

                      34. Trust me when you say cockroaches bite.

                      35. If you want to watch the video, say I didn't watch it.

                      36. Don't turn your eyes to pretty girls.

                      37. When another woman's voice is recorded on the beeper, hit it to 100km.

                      38. Don't preview the movie you want to see.

                      39. Just because you're comfortable doesn't mean you're negligent.

                      40. Love that empties into nothing.

                      41. Acknowledge and point out if something goes wrong.

                      42. Pretend to be jealous if you arouse jealousy.

                      43 Say 'You are the prettiest' a lot.

                      44 Saying, 'I can't live without you'.

                      45. Save you.

                      46. Only help when you drink. "Strangely, no, no, no, no, no, no."

                      47. Don't say that a female actor is pretty even if you watch a movie.

                      48. Saying you're a good woman.

                      49. I know you enough to write your questionnaire.

                      50. Use only the cosmetics you bought me.

                      51. Sing your favorite song.

                      52. No matter how sleepy I am, I get up when I see you.

                      53. Cooking delicious ramen.

                      54. Enjoy what you make.

                      55. Sometimes you act cute.

                      56. Showing responsible behavior.

                      57. Show them how hard you work.

                      58. Just listening to each other's breathing makes you happy.

                      59. If you want, go to Dream Garden.

                      60. Spend it for you if you give me money.

                      61. Don't go to Bichonbang and sleep until you sleep.

                      62. Being close to your friends.

                      63. Breaking an appointment with a friend after a few years for you.

                      64. Gift flowers anytime.

                      65 To say, 'You smell more like a flower-cloth.'

                      66. Always carry your pictures.

                      67. Say something funny every time we meet.

                      68. Understanding Your Pain.

                      69. Don't be greedy for other men besides you.

                      70. Don't be greedy for other women than me.

                      71. Don't say 'why' if you cancel your appointment.

                      72. Call me as soon as you're upset.

                      73. If you're upset, you have to wait for an hour or two.

                      74. Record and give good music.

                      75. Completely read the book you gave me.

                      76. Get rid of the guys who nudge you.

                      77. Don't make a girl who likes me.

                      78. Don't worry about nothing.

                      79. Walking hand in hand even if it's hot.

                      80. Prepare a small umbrella on your own.

                      81. Gift your portrait.

                      82. Gift a painted T-shirt that looks like you.

                      83. Think about doing it before you expect each other to do it.

                      84 Don't say 'I couldn't because of you'

                      85. Hugging from time to time.

                      86. Sometimes a strong dash.

                      87. To yield one step.

                      88. Let me know until you don't understand.

                      89. When you wake up in the morning, look at your picture first.

                      90. Think about what to do when you meet them.

                      91. Kiss me hard if you have nothing to say.

                      92. Make a morning call every morning.

                      93. Losing a cow and not fixing the barn.(Be good when you are)

                      94. Showing magnanimity to see my weakness as an advantage.

                      95. Kiss me in a crowded place.

                      96. Don't show tears in front of you.

                      97. Not to lie.

                      98. Respect and understand each other.

                      99. Trying to develop each other further than the present self.

                      100. Let's go on a trip~ Let's just follow him.