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This is what immunity does.

1) Return the virus from the water.
  Colds are mostly caused by infections of viruses. What's more, the virus itself.
There are a few types, each of which has several shapes, so as a result, a few
There's a hundred kinds of virus that surrounds our bodies.
So cold prevention is not just one way, but many ways.
It is necessary to use it to combat the virus with three stages of preparation and four stages of preparation.
  The mucous membranes of the nose or neck of a person with a cold multiply in large quantities.
This virus can fly in the air when sneezing or coughing.
Floating in the air for a long time. It's a virus that's infected with a cold.
Because I breathe this air.
  Also, viruses are often contained in runny noses, saliva (sighs), tears, and the nose, mouth, and so on.
If you touch the back of your eyes, a virus is attached to your hand. If you touch something with this hand...
The virus is attached to the touch. Even if you don't know what you're talking about, you're right.
Viruses are also attached to the hands, and they enter the mouth from the hands. especially childlike
In many cases, I think I often catch a cold from hand to mouth.
  The way to prevent a cold is to return the virus from the water. That is first of all.
Wash your hands clean and brush your teeth. especially crowded
Don't forget these two things when you come back from the place. mouth virus
It goes through itself, but the risk of spreading the virus by a person with a cold.
It's also reduced, and cold wind or dust enters the neck or nose directly.
It protects the neck or nose.

  * Hand washing to expel virus
  1) Wash with running water.
  2) Use soap and rinse the tip of your hands carefully. Soap is.
It doesn't matter if it's normal.
  3) Use a clean towel and dry it well.

  * Effective brushing method
  1) Water (cold) or lukewarm water is good, but a handful of salt in the cup.
It is more effective if you put it in or use toothpaste. Toothpaste can't kill a virus.
There is no sterilization effect. There are also toothpaste that can be anti-inflammatory. Neck
If you have a prickly or prickly symptom, you should have an anti-inflammatory effect.
It would be good to use.
  2) Add salt and a handful of sugar when your throat hurts.
  3) Rinse it up to the throat, and brush your teeth if you have inflammation in the throat.
Make time longer.

  - Viruses are prone to break-in from hand to mouth. Wash your hands clean.
Be careful.

    (How to Combat Viruses)
  Picture Description:
  Make a mask: protect the mucous membrane of the nose or neck with a mask.
  Virus-rich place: nose, mouth, eyes.
  Wash hands well: especially the tip of your hands carefully.

2) Physical training method suitable for physical constitution
  It is said that Koreans catch colds 5 to 6 times a year on average. But one year
Some people are suffering from a cold all the time, but some people don't have the symptoms.
It is true that there is. The difference is that when a virus enters the body,
The difference between whether or not the virus is resistant to proliferation.
  So how do we resist the cold virus?
It's a problem, but if a weak person suddenly practices hard training,
You break your body's balance and catch a cold, you overdo it.
You have to choose the way you don't.
  The rafters and cold water friction to be introduced here are to be done in the room, not in the heating.
If you're a baby, when you take off your pajamas in the morning, you just rub them with your pajamas.
Be effective.

  * How to apply dry and cold water friction
  1) Dried towel is a dry towel, and cold water is a tight towel soaked in water.
Rub. Rub each area 20--30 times on either side.
  2) Armpits on the inside of the opposite arm by cutting the towel into easy-to-hold sizes.
Rub it from the bottom to the tip of your hand.
  3) Rub the outer part of the arm over the shoulder from the tip of the hand.
  4) Rub the inside of the other arm in the same way.
  5) Rub the outer part of the arm as well.
  6) Rub the outer part of one leg.
  7) Rub the inside of the leg.
  8) Rub the outside of another leg.
  9) Rub the inside of the leg.
  10) Rub around the navel in the same direction as the clock hands.
  11) Fold both ends of the towel, slanting from just below the neck to the waist.
Rub it.
  12) Alternate the hands above and below, starting from shoulder to shoulder with the same trick.
Rub it up to the waist.
  13) Rub the towel horizontally from the waist towards the hips.

  * How to take a hot and cold bath
  1) After heating it enough in the bathtub, take a cold shower for about a minute, then 3-4 minutes.
immerse oneself in a bath Repeat this 4-5 times.
  2) Do not start a cold shower suddenly, but take a shower with lukewarm water for a few days.
Or from knee to foot, elbow to hand, face, whole body.
It'll be good.
  3) If you can pour cold water on your whole body, take some time to lower body.
Throw it on.

  - Do raisins or cold water friction to suit your constitution. too much
Don't do that.

    (Skin training method)
  Picture Description:
  * Order of friction
  1) the inner part of one arm 2) the outer part of the same arm 3) the inner part of the other arm 4)
the outer 5 of both arms) the outer 6 of one leg) the inner 7 of the same leg) and
the outer 8 of the other leg) the inner 9 of the two legs) the waist around the navel 10).
  * Order of heating and cooling alternates
  1) from knee down 2) elbow to fingertip 3) face 4) whole body.
  * Areas (front and back) to focus on warm-cooled shifts: waistline

3) Vitamins that make resistance
  Vitamins help smooth use of proteins, sugars, and fats.
It is, so to speak, a lubricant in the body. Many kinds of these vitamins are used to prevent colds.
There are a few that work.
  The first is vitamin A. Vitamin A has normal epithelial cells in the skin or mucous membrane.
As a vitamin needed to be active, the mucous membrane protecting the mucous membrane if insufficient.
Bad secretion; no resistance. Which means that viruses can be easily transmitted.
It will.
  Vitamin C is also used in the connective tissue that connects cells.
Lack of vitamins weakens the connective tissue, and also causes skin and mucous membrane resistance.
Become weak.
  Other vitamin B that cannot be neglected to maintain the health of the skin or mucous membranes;
Vitamin B, niacin, and vitamin E to prevent cell oxidation.
The resistance weakens.
  Any of the above vitamins should be taken in excess of the required amount.
Let's try.

  * Effective method of taking vitamins to prevent colds
  1) Vitamin A is included in liver, ovum, etc. Green yellow such as carrots and spinach.
The vegetables are included in the form of carotene. Carotene is taken with fat.
As the absorption rate increases, eat green and yellow vegetables in step with the fat.
However, taking too much vitamin A can lead to hyperactivity.
Be careful when taking nutritional supplements.
  2) Vitamin B, vitamin B, and niacin are all easy to dissolve in water.
It's a vitamin. If you have extra, it melts out of your urine and becomes an excess.
I'm not worried, but when I eat food, I eat fish, vegetables, and other boiled soup.
Let's do some research to use. When you take it as a nutrient, you don't take it alone.
The combination of vitamin B group would be good because it is effective.
  3) Vitamin C is a vitamin that is easy to dissolve in water and weak in heating. for food
When ingested, fish or vegetable boiled water is used, and heating time is low.
Cooking is appropriate. Vitamin E prevents the oxidation of vitamin C, so with vitamin E,
It is effective when ingested. It's good to take it with vitamin E when taking it as a nutritional supplement.
It will.
  4) Vitamin E (tocopherol) contains the following types: alpha, beta, gamma, and es.
However, choose food that contains the most effective alpha-type.
The nutrient is synthesized with a natural one, and the natural one absorbs it's absorbed by the natural one.
It is said that the utilization rate is high, but the natural ones have the advantages and disadvantages of being expensive. synthetic person
If it is, it would be better to eat several times in small increments.

  - Need vitamins A, B, C and E. in addition to a large intake of nutrients for meals.m.
utilization degree

    (How to Eat Efficient Vitamins) (Table)
  Vitamin requirements, ideal intake, nutritional supplements.
Precautions for ingestion as food containing food
  Vitamin A South2000I.U., female 1800I.U. 3600--4000I.U. Extremely too much.
Some become hypertensive when consumed.  liver, eel intestines, parsley eel,
with margarine, red beet, butter, rhubarb, crown daisy, chives, and small pine leaf fat.
To ingest and to be effective. Fatty is needed, especially in green vegetables.
  Vitamin B male1.0--1.3 mg, female0.8--1.1 mg, as a complex of 3 mg B.
Ingested effective flavor, seaweed, liver, shiitake mushrooms, dried seaweed, and wheat germ boiled
Juice is also effective.
  If taken as a compound of the male 12--17 mg, female 10--13 mg, 30 mg B group,
effective gardarangi, peanuts, liver, chicken breast, pollack milk, tuna, mackerel, sardines,
Salmon Boiled Juice is also effective
  Vitamin B 3--4 mg 5 mg B group, effective sardines,
Salmon, halibut, mackerel, liver, walnuts, peanuts, bananas, and parsley boiled juice.
  50 mg of vitamin C, 200 mg of pacelli, green peppers, lotus roots,
cabbage, strawberry, radish, small pine needles, cabbage, navel (one of the varieties of tangerines)
Shorten the cooking time of oranges and green peas, and use the boiled juice as well.
  Vitamin E 12--15I.U 20--30I.U. Foods with many effective types,
sesame oil, corn oil, eel, margarine, cooking pig oil, pollack eggs, cottonseed oil,
Dharangi, Gadaengi, bean oil, somaek, saury. Shorten cooking time.

4) Strengthen basic physical strength with gymnastics.
  You know, moving around and strengthening your basic physical strength is not a problem.
It is of great help to increase resistance. If you move your body, your blood circulation is...
It also helps prevent and treat headaches, shoulder cramps, and joint pain.
Valid. Every exercise I introduce from now on is a set of eight times a day.
Do 1-2, set.

  * 'Hinskwatt' strengthens the waist and intestines of the legs.
  1) Stand with both legs open about 20cm, close your eyes, and close your eyes, and hold your legs and waist.
Concentrate. Exhale enough.
  2) Raise your arms forward with your heels attached to the floor and slowly lift your waist.
  3) Raise the arms to the point where they are parallel to the shoulder, and raise the hips 10cm from the floor.
Bring it down to about the limit. At this point, place the center of the toe on the heel enough to raise the tip of the toe.
Breathe in completely.

  * 'sharpness' to strengthen back muscles and respiratory organs.
  1) Relax your whole body, and level your arms as if you were holding something in front of your chest.
Close your eyes as you breathe in, and focus your consciousness on your back muscles.
  2) Open both arms as hard as you breathe out.
  3) Breathe in and relax your back muscles and return to the original position.

  * 'joint' to train muscles between ribs and enhance lung function
  1) Standing comfortably, lightly holding the ends of both fingers in front of the chest and breathing
Close your eyes as you inhale.
  2) Put pressure on the palm of your hand while exhaling, and hold a ceremony where the palm is joined together.

  * 'Above the arms' to help prevent headaches and shoulder cramps.
  1) Stand shoulder-width apart, face down and both hands
Cross lightly in front of the lower abdomen. Close your eyes as you breathe in.
  2) Open your arms slowly while exhaling.
  3) Turn the palm of your hand so that your little finger is raised and your arms are raised as much as possible.
Raise it high. Breathe out completely.

  * 'Reck lace' strengthens the muscles in the lower abdomen and strengthens the stomach.
  1) Raise your knees and face upwards, raise your legs a little bit, and breathe.
Close your eyes as you inhale.
  2) Raise your legs while exhaling.
  3) Breathe out again and raise your head as if you were looking at your belly button, and put your knee to your chest.

  * Stretch and stretch the ankle to prevent joint pain
  1) Sit with your knees stretched tight and hold your ankles. Breathe in your eyes
wind and concentrate consciousness on ankle
  2) Sitting on the front seat, holding palms to the floor, exhaling and backing up the upper body.
To tip over; tighten one's ankle.

  - Gymnastics is the best way to develop basic physical strength. He who has no time has his weakness.
strengthening gymnastics

    (1. Gymnastics to Build Basic Physical Fitness)
  * 'Hinsk Watt' strengthens legs, waist and intestines
  1) Stand with your feet apart by 20cm.
  2) Bend your back while raising your arms forward.
  3) Lower the waist until the hips are about 10cm from the floor.
  * 'sharpness' to strengthen back muscles and respiratory organs.
  1) Put your arms horizontally as if you are supporting something in front of your chest.
  2) Spread both arms wide.
  3) Return for the first time.

    (2. Gymnastics to develop basic physical strength)
  * Pupils that train muscles between ribs and enhance lung function
  1) Put your fingers in front of your chest.
  2) Face the palm of the hand with force.
  * Raise your arms to help prevent headaches and shoulder cramps
  1) Stand with legs apart and cross your hands at the front of your lower abdomen.
  2) Open both arms slowly.
  3) Raise your arms as high as possible.

    3. Gymnastics to develop basic physical strength.
  * 'legrace' strengthens the lower abdomen muscles and strengthens the stomach.
  1) Stand your knees up and lie down.
  2) Raise the knees so that the knees are level.
  3) Pull the knee to the chest.
  * 'Stretch and stretch' to prevent joint pain
  1) Sit down, straighten your knees, and grab your ankles.
  2) Sit on the upright position and extend the upper body by attaching the palm to the floor.