
온라인 서명 (사인) 만들기 [무료, 무설치, 로그인 없음]

취업시, 사업시, 입시원서나 기타 서류등을 주로 이메일을 통해 주고 받고 있습니다.
 서류 양식에 도장이나 사인을 첨부해야 할때가 있습니다. 이럴때 간편하게 포토샵등 필요없이
누구나 무료로 손쉽게 사인을 만들수 있는 사이트를 소게해 드립니다.^^
사이트 주소 : https://www.docsketch.com/online-signature/draw/ 입니다.
 위에 https://www.docsketch.com/online-signature/draw/ 사이트 주소로 링크를 타고 들어가시면 나오는 첫화면입니다.
사용방법을 간단하게 설명 하자면 네모난 백지 안에 사인을 그려준뒤 SAVE 클릭후 배경은 투명하게에 체크후 다운로드 해주시면 됩니다.^^ Color 컬러는 설명없어도 사인색상이라는건 아시겠죠?^^
사인이 마음에 안드신다 하시면 CLEAR 클릭후 다시 사인하시면 됩니다.
 사용방법을 조금더 자세하게 쓰기위에 네모난 백지 안에 태스트라는 사인을 넣어봤습니다.
마우스를 이용하여 사인을 만들때는 조금 연습이 필요합니다. 사인이 마음에 들게 잘 안나옵니다.^^
 위에서 설명했던 것처럼 사인을 다 그려주셨으면, SAVE(저장) 를눌러 주시면 됩니다.
 사인을 저장하면 사진처럼 안내장이 나옵니다, 우리는 가볍게 사용하기 위한 사인을 만드므로 왼쪽 안내에 있는 Transparent background(배경투명) 과 DOWNLOAD(다운로드) 만 신경쓰면 됩니다.^^
 구글 크롬으로 접속시 사진처럼 한국어 번역을 사용할수 있습니다, 위에 설명처럼 배경을 투명하게 해주고 다운로드를 클릭해 주면 온라인에서 사용할수 있는 사인이 만들어지게 됩니다.^^
 투명한 배경에 나만에 사인이 만들어진걸 보실수 있는데요, 사인 만들때 한가지 팁을 드리자면 최대한 화면을 꽉채워 사인을 그리시던가, 최대한 중앙에 맞춰 그려야 나중에 실제로 사용할때 서류양식에 깔끔하게 들어갑니다.
한쪽에 여백을 많이 남기면, 서류약식에 사인을 추가했을시 여백 공백으로인해 한쪽으로 치우처보이는 현상이 있습니다.^^
 사진상 드레그 한부분에 필요하기 때문에 사인(서명)을 만들게 되죠.
 위에서 만든 온라인 사인(서명)을 한글 서류양식에 추가하는 방법을 써볼까 합니다. 아시는 분은 아시겠지만, 오랜기간 사용을 안하거나, 사용을 전혀 안하신 분들을 위해 사용방법을 추가하게 되었습니다.^^
한글에서는 편집 클릭후 입력란에 그림을 글릭하시면 그림을 넣을수 있는 그림 넣기 창이 열립니다.
 그림넣기에서 위에서 만든 사인(서명)을 클릭후 넣기를 클릭하시면 됩니다.
 (서명 또는 인)란에 온라인에서 만든 사인(서명)이 들어간게 보이는데요, 사인이 클경우 마우스를 이용하여 크기를 줄이거나 늘려줄수 있으며, 위치도 옴겨줄수 있습니다. 이부분은 직접 해보시면 이해가 되실거라 생각합니다.^^
 사인(서명) 그림파일 개체속성 입니다, 가끔 설정이 글자처럼 취급되어있으면 (서명 또는 인) 과 사인이 겹쳐지지 않고 따로 놀때가 있습니다. 그렇때는 개체 속성에 들어가서 글자처럼 취급을 해제 하시고 본문과의 배치에서 글 앞으로 로 설정해주시면 됩니다. 본문과의 배치에서 어울림도 괜찮습니다.^^ 
개체 속성을 열필요없이 사인(서명) 그림파인에 마우스 우측클릭후 본문과의 배치 , 글 앞으로 로 선택하셔도 됩니다.
온라인 서명(사인) 만들기가 필요할수도 필요없을수도 있는 기능인데요, 시간은 급한데 포토샵은 없고 그럴땐 필요할거 같안 사이트 주소와 간단한 사용설명을 쓰게 되었습니다.^^ 설명만 괜히 더 복잡해 보이기도 하네요.^^

무료 드라마, 영화, 예능 방송 다시보기 사이트

 요즘 저작권, 사이트 차단, 등등 으로 아이피 우회하는 번거로운 작업없이 한국 드라마, 한국 영화, 한국 예능방송 등 한국 방송만이 아니라 아시아(Asia) 예(일드, 일본영화, 일본 예능 방송, 중드, 중국영화, 중국 예능 방송, 태국 드라마, 태국 영화, 태국 예능 방송, 대만 드라마, 대만 영화, 대만 예능 방송, 인도 드라마, 인도 영화, 인도 예능 방송 등을 무료로 시청 가능한 사이트를 알려드립니다.^^
 동영상 플래이어 아래로 커서를 이용해 내려보면 드라마, 시리즈 경우 1화~ 완결까지 또는 방영중 까지 나와있으며, 광고가 없어 불필요한 클릭도 없고, 영어만 된다면 한국 영화, 드라마, 예능 외에 외국 영화, 드라마, 예능 다시보기도 편합니다.^^
 드라마, 영화, 예능 방송 무료 다시보기 추천 사이트에 들어면 제목 및 모든 메뉴가 영어로 되어있습니다.
영어로 되어 있어도 시청에는 무리가 없지만, 그래도 한글 메뉴로 보겠다 하시면 크롬으로 접속후 한국어 번역을 이용하면 됩니다.
 드라마, 영화, 예능 방송 다시보기 시청을 하다가 버퍼링등으로 끊김 현상이 있을때에는 동영상 플래이어 사이드 매뉴(첨부 이미지상 우측 상단)를 클릭하여 버퍼링없이 원활하게 돌아가는걸 찾아 시청하면 됩니다.^^ 
 드라마, 영화, 방송예능 무료 다시보기 사이트 https://k-vid.net/ 로 접속하면 내가 시청하고 싶은 방송을 이미지로 검색해도 되고, 영어제목을 아시는 분은 제목으로 찾으셔도 됩니다.
영어제목 찾는 팁은 [예) 하이네나 영어제목] 등으로 검색하면 대부분 영어제목을 알수 있습니다.
요즘 드라마, 영화, 예능 방송 무료 다시보기 사이트가 저작권, 차단 등으로 주기적으로 사이트 주소가 변경되고, 아이피 우회하는 번거로움과, 다시보기 하나 시청하는데 봐야하는 광고등을 클릭해서 넘기거나 끄는 번거로움없이 무료로 다시보기 할수 있는 고마운 사이트 인거 같습니다.^^

Itaewon Class


Itaewon Class
On the first day of attending his new high school, Park Sae Ro Yi punches his classmate Jang Geun Won, who was bullying another classmate. The bully is the son of CEO Jang Dae Hee. The bully's father runs restaurant business Jagga where Park Sae Ro Yi’s own father works. CEO Jang Dae Hee demands to Park Sae Ro Yi that he apologizes to his son, but Park Sae Ro Yi refuses. Because of his refusal, Park Sae Ro Yi gets expelled from school and his father gets fired from his job. Soon, an accident takes place. Park Sae Ro Yi’s father dies in a motorcycle accident caused by his ex-classmate Jang Geun Won. Burning with anger, Park Sae Ro Yi viciously beats Jang Geun Won. He is soon arrested and receives prison time for violent assault. Park Sae Ro Yi decides to destroy the Jagga company and take revenge upon CEO Jang Dae Hee and his son Jang Geun Won. Once Park Sae Ro Yi is released from prison, he opens a restaurant in Itaewon, Seoul. Jo Yi Seo, who is popular on social media, joins Park Sae Ro Yi’s restaurant and works there as a manager. She has feelings for Park Sae Ro Yi.

Gracious Revenge


Gracious Revenge
Carrie Jung lost her husband and child. She now lives only take revenge on those responsible for their deaths. Carrie Jung raises Han Yoo Jin as a tool in her revenge plan. Han Yoo Jin is a smart and beautiful woman, but she falls in love with a man who she should not love.

Diary of a Prosecutor


Diary of a Prosecutor
The stories of overworked prosecutors's daily lives in Seoul.
A drama depicting the mundane daily routine of overworked prosecutors staying up all night to tackle all the different cases handed over by the police.
Lee Sun Woong works at the Public Prosecutor’s Office in his local district. On the outside, he looks a bit slow and like he has no ambitions in life, but his inner self is different from what he appears on the outside.
Cha Myung Joo is an elite prosecutor, who was rising on the ladder of success at the Central District Prosecutor’s Office before being sent to a branch office.

Stove League


Stove League
“Stove League” is about the preparation period of a major league baseball team. The drama focuses on a loser team that prepares for an extraordinary season upon the arrival of their new general manager, and each episode will focus on a problem they have as they prepare to become a stronger team.
Baek Seung Soo is the newly appointed general manager of professional baseball team Dreams. The team ranks bottom of the league. Lee Se Young is the operations manager of the team and also a big fan of the baseball team. She has so much love for Dreams and she never gives up on the team.
Han Jae Hee, an energetic man, who is the grandson of a furniture maker. Kim Young Chae, who is a softball player turned sports announcer. Yoo Min Ho, a pitcher, who is crazy about baseball.

Crash Landing on You


Crash Landing on You
Yoon Se Ri is an heiress to a conglomerate in South Korea. One day, while paragliding, an accident caused by strong winds leads Yoon Se Ri to make an emergency landing in North Korea. There, she meets Lee Jung Hyuk, who is a North Korean army officer. He tries to protect her and hide her. Soon, Lee Jung Hyuk falls in love with Yoon Se Ri.

Touch (2020)


Touch (2020)
Cha Jung Hyeok was a popular make-up artist, who pursued perfection, but he is now in debt and unemployed. Han Soo Yeon has been a trainee to become an idol for 10 years. She takes part in an audition program to become an idol. A mysterious case causes Han Soo Yeon to get booted from the program. She then finds her new aptitude, which is a make-up artist. By chance, Han Soo Yeon meets Cha Jung Hyeok who is back as a make-up artist. She begins working as his assistant and they fall in love with each other.
Meanwhile, Baek Ji Yoon is a top actress who has a strong desire for success. Kang Do Jin is a popular actor.

Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim 1, 2


Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim 2
“Romantic Doctor Kim” is a “real doctor” story set in a small, humble hospital called Dol Dam Hospital. It is a story about people who meet Kim Sa Bu (Han Suk Kyu), a genius doctor, and discover “real romance.”
Along with genius Teacher Kim, Cha Eun Jae is a second year fellow in the cardiosurgery department who enjoys studying and has confidently walked the path of an elite student for most of her life. Seo Woo Jin, a cynical second year fellow who doesn’t believe in happiness because of his hardships growing up, but he shows impressive levels of concentration and talent when he is performing surgery.

Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim
Kim Sa Bu was once a famous surgeon at the peak of his career at a major hospital. But he suddenly gives it all up one day to live in seclusion and work as a neighborhood doctor in a small town. He now goes by “Teacher Kim” and refers to himself as the “Romantic Doctor”.
Meanwhile, Kang Dong Joo became a doctor to make something of himself after growing up poor, and he seeks out VIP patients to achieve the success that he desperately wants. Yoon Seo Jung is a passionate young surgeon who is haunted by a mistake from her past and tries to get over it. When Dong Joo and Seo Jung meet the quirky Teacher Kim, their lives and careers will never be the same again.

I'll Find You on a Beautiful Day


I'll Find You on a Beautiful Day
A story about forgiveness, healing, and love taking place around a small book store in the countryside.
Hae Won is an ordinary woman with good character. She has played the cello since she was a child. Hae Won began her social life with her ability to play the cello, but, during that time, she was hurt emotionally by others. Due to that, Hae Won does not trust people and she has closed her heart to others. Hae Won becomes sick and tired of her life in Seoul and decides to move back to her hometown Bookhyun Village. There, Hae Won meets Eun Seop. He runs the bookshop "Goodnight Bookstore." Eun Seop's daily life is simple. He wakes up and drinks coffee, reads a book and writes on his blog. Eun Seop's daily life begins to change after he meets Hae Won.

Money Game


Money Game
A bank, that the Korean government holds equity in, is on the verge of bankruptcy. The country is worried that they will soon face another financial criss similar to what happened in 1997. People in the Financial Services Commission struggle to prevent another similar incident.
Chae Yi Heon is a chief in the Economic Policy Bureau at the Financial Services Commission. He does his best as an economic bureaucrat. His father is the best economist in South Korea, but Chae Yi-Hun hides the identity of his father.
Heo Jae is the chairman of the Financial Services Commission. He is an ambitious man. He experienced the Korean Financial Crisis in 1997. At that time, he became disillusioned with the powerless Korean financial infrastructure. His objective is to improve the country's financial infrastructure at any cost.
Lee Hye Joon begins work at the International Finance Bureau of Ministry of Economy and Finance. During the Korean Financial Crisis, she was a kid and her family struggled through that time. She dreams of owning a building.

The Game: Towards Zero


The Game: Towards Zero
Tae Pyeong is a prophet. When he looks into someone's eye, he can see the moment right before they die. Tae Pyeong is smart, rich and handsome. Despite his special ability, he is a bright person. A mysterious serial murder case draws Tae Pyeong's attention. He partners with Detective Joon Young to solve the string of murders.

Hyena (2020)


Hyena (2020)
'Hyena' deals with very competitive, private lawyers who only work for the richest 1% of society. Lawyer Jung Geum Ja crosses the boundaries of law and lawlessness, justice and injustice, ethics and corruption, She is a true hyena that chases after success and money no matter what it takes. Armed with the strongest survival instincts, she endures through it all. Yoon Hee Jae is a successful, elite lawyer. Confident in his abilities, he possesses a brilliant mind that is wrapped around his ego. Using his skills to support the highest in the land, he’s an expert at maneuvering the law to cater to their needs.

Forest (2020)


Forest (2020)
Kang San Hyeok is a member of the 119 special rescue team. He is handsome and smart, but he does not remember his childhood. Jung Young Jae is an enthusiastic surgical resident.
Kang San Hyeok and Jung Young Jae meet at a mysterious forest. Even though they do not want to, they must live together in the mysterious forest. Living there, they discover small pleasures. Kang San Hyeok and Jung Young Jae soon uncover a secret about themselves and the forest.

Tell Me What You Saw


Tell Me What You Saw
Oh Hyun Jae used to be a top criminal profiler. He solved many cases with his skills, but an explosion, caused by a serial killer, ended the life of his fiancé. After the horrific incident, Oh Hyun Jae vanished and he now lives in seclusion. Meanwhile, Cha Soo Young is police officer in a rural area. She has a special ability, which allows her to remember everything that she saw. Due to her special ability, she is selected as a rookie detective who will partner with Oh Hyun Jae informally.

Hi Bye, Mama


Hi Bye, Mama
It's the story of a mother who died and begins a 49-day long project of reincarnation, and a husband who has barely begun to live a new life after overcoming the pain of losing his wife.
Jo Kang Hwa is a skilled thoracic surgeon. After losing his wife four years ago, he had been working as a single father until he got married again two years ago. While he seems like a caring person, he does not offer a hand nor intervene when needed.

Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life


Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life
Life is hard, but finding love and happiness can seem nearly impossible. That’s why some, like Kim Seol Ah have decided to focus on a career, rather than waste time and energy on relationships that inevitably end in disaster. A successful career woman, Seol Ah seems to have it all together on the outside, but on the inside, she still longs for the one thing that will make her truly happy.
But Seol Ah isn’t the only one struggling. The eldest son of his family, Moon Tae Rang, is a young chef struggling to support the people he loves most while attempting to follow his dreams. He sincerely loves his family, but they have a way of making life difficult at times.
Kim Chung Ah knows all about difficult. Having spent the past eight years studying for the civil service exam, she has given up on any hopes of dating and marriage. As much as she would love to get married and have a family someday, the only thing she has time to think about now is working hard so she can pass the upcoming exam.
On the other end of the spectrum, Goo Joon Hwi has absolutely no interest in marriage, relationships, or other people’s affairs. Completely focused on himself and his work, Joon Hwi could happily spend the rest of his life alone, or so he thought...
Setting out on an unexpected journey towards love, four souls find that love and happiness often show up in life when you least expect them.

Nobody Knows (2020)


Nobody Knows (2020)
Detective Young Jin, from the regional investigation unit, has only one thing on her mind to catch the 'Stigmata' serial killer that killed her friend 19 years ago. She has no friends & lives alone. Her downstair neighbor’s son, Eun Ho, has built a relationship with her ever since she moved above their apartment. He does menial house chores for her. One day he opens the door of the room he wasn't supposed to.
Sun Woo, former chairman's son & current chairman's brother in law, is Eun Ho's homeroom teacher. He feels something is wrong with Eun Ho.

The Cursed (2020)


The Cursed (2020)
Im Jin Hee is a gung ho reporter, out to do the ring thing. She covers a violent case involving Forest, the biggest IT company in South Korea. The chairman of Forest is Jin Jong Hyun. He relies heavily on shamanism. During her investigation, Im Jin Hee learns of a spiritual consulting company that is affiliated with Forest. The head of that affiliate company is Jin Kyung. While trying to reveal the secret behind Forest, Im Jin Hee meets So Jin. She is possessed by a spirit and she has a special ability.